Scorum at my PR laboratory

Before reviewing a new project, I would like to answer the question that was asked to me yesterday. Developers of one of the new crypto social networks asked about when I will write about their website. I replied that I would do it in the very near future, within a week.

After that, I looked into my schedule of reviews and saw that I had about ten candidates in the queue. In general, there are more than one hundred websites in my database that will soon be available in this list which you already know well enough.

I will certainly make a review that promised to developers within a week, but today we have a crypto social network Scorum.

Right now, at these moments, I add this website to the main list and I think that it will take a very serious position there. And maybe even get in TOP10, that is, the top ten best crypto networks, which is published on the first day of the every following month.

Scorum - is primarily a blockchainsocial network. As you can see, or more precisely as I predicted, in our list there will soon be much more exactly blockchain projects.

But this website, has one more own feature. The main thrust of this social network is sports events, sports news and other relevant information about this sphere of life.

Crypto bloggers can write either on these topics, or on any other, as the website also provides the category Other.

As in any other blockchain social network, there is already a system for rewarding users activity and a system of curatorship. There are some limitations in the number of actions, but they are quite adequate and their number can be seen in the website menu. For example, you can give no more than 100 likes in a day. You will also find in your account a wallet with tokens SCR (Scorum Coin) and tokens SP (voice power as on Steemit).

Scorum social network does not yet have a referral program and it is likely that it will not have at all. And so far there is no information about boosters. But I will remind you that the project is in Beta version and in the future it can be changed a lot.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
Second League of crypto networks

Yesterday I wrote that today I will apply for help to you, dear readers. The matter is, everything is going exactly as I had expected. And you see it for yourself, with your own eyes. The number of crypto social networks is growing rapidly and the real racing is starting only now.

We try to select the best of these projects (TOP50 banner on the home page) and the quality of the list of main projects is improving every day. And the monthly list TOP10 will soon become an excellent workplace for many crypto bloggers and crypto enthusiasts.

But the problem with which I want to apply to you is another. The fact is that as you know we have one more list, a kind of Second League of crypto networks or a Potential List. Many of you are familiar with it, it is here and this link can always be found at the end of the main List of crypto social networks.

It is extremely difficult to analyse this list today. It is possible that we are missing something very important. Therefore, I ask you for help. Always try, whenever possible, to revise this list. And if you have any information, then share it. This will help our entire community to move forward towards the goal and earn much more.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
DreamReal at my PR laboratory

The football theme today is very popular and the reasons are clear to everyone. But after a while the world championship will end and people will return to their habitual way of life, to their usual affairs.

And here they will expect a new Premier League, with not football teams, but crypto social networks. It is enough just to look at the current list of participants and you will understand everything.

The list is constantly improving. And today we will add to it one more project, which without any doubt the nearest time will enter into the TOP10.

So, today I want to bring to your attention the DreamReal project. Just a few minutes is enough to understand what it is. Yes, it is... Steemit's twin brother.

However, there is also its own idea. Users of the project are invited to tell about what is happening in reality and about what they dream about. And they dream mainly about making a lot of money and starting to realize themselves in other directions.

By the way, are you convinced now that to earn even a million dollars in crypto social networks is a very real idea? If not, then I'm sorry for you. Then continue to jerk the faucets, play in the lottery of airdrops, hope for a miracle in cloud mining or try to take away coins from other sharks on stock exchanges.

As for DreamReal, here everything is the same as in Steemit - its own coin DP, the system of communication and the system of curatorship. With booster is still not clear, but most likely they will also appear. There is no partner program, like in Steemit.

I'm sure you will like the project, so do not waste time, just go and register. The link is in our full list, which is listed above.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
Folder Archive

Yesterday, a comment appeared on, the author of which asks an interesting question. I will not now retell the details, it's not so important. I have responded briefly to the commentary, and now I want to give one useful advice to all readers.

In this case, this post can be sent to the educational base of our open University of crypto social networks and treat it as a study guide.

So, what if I can not register at the website of any internet project, for example? There are, as a minimum, several options for resolving the issue.

First. Forget about this project. This is a bad option, but for someone and it can be a solution.

Second. A little wait and try again. It is possible that the website received too many requests for registration. Perhaps the administration of the project is afraid of the bots activity etc.

The third. Write a message to the support team asking for help in resolving the issue. By the way, I recommend always to do it, in any doubtful situation. The Support service is most likely to be pleased with any such treatment on your part. In normal projects, this helps to improve functionality.

Fourth. Save the site address in the Archive folder and once again access this website after a longer period of time (in a month, two or even half of the year).

It is possible that you already know about the existence of the sites and These projects specialize in listing those websites, ICO projects, new services that for one reason or another have ceased to exist in crypto world. If the website has not yet got into the lists of these projects, it is quite possible that you did not finish some work, you did not find out all the circumstances of the case.

In this case, I recommend to return periodically to these projects and try to determine finally what exactly happened. And only when you are 100% sure of your decision, delete this website completely from your database.

By the way, today I will describe such an experiment and tell you about how I will act. But this time only subscribers and guests of the Levelnaut website will be able to read it.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now