PingoFive at my PR laboratory

I promised you to make a list of the 50 best crypto social networks? I'll do what I'm saying. And I hope that you have already understood this. Just look at the full list on the Levelnaut website to understand that I'm not kidding. You see for yourself how much this list has improved and how much easier and more interesting it has become to work with the projects mentioned in it. Especially if you use the win5 strategy, about which I had written earlier and will write in the future.

Today, another crypto social network called PingoFive will be added to this list. You have already noticed that lately I'm trying to include in the list projects that have all the necessary elements - the system of reward of users actvity, own coin or token, the ability to add friends and communication between users, as well as the booster and curatorship systems.

In PingoFive, all this is there. Moreover, in addition to their tokens, which are called credits, in PingoFive, you can earn and withdraw fiat through the usual Paypal payment system. But for this you must first turn on the booster, that is, make an upgrade of the account. Click the button Business in your profile and then you will understand what I'm talking about.

Stop, which button? You in fact still are not even registered! Immediately do it. Follow the link register and carefully study all the features of your profile. How to do it correctly? Learn the Button program at our open University of Crypto Social Networks.

As you can see, I hardly find time to tell you the names of new interesting projects. I hope that you understand that you are losing time and money. If you did everything as I advise you, you would have been in the Rest program for a long time, actively traveled, had good practice in English (or find a lot of pupils and partners), you would get new friends, relaxed on an all-inclusive system in DreamTrips, and would attend international meetings and at the same time... you would earn money. But that is another story.

In the meantime, just get acquainted with the PingoFive project and you can go to watch football on TV. Instead of watching it at the stadium.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
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Вартість 5 гривень за 20грам.
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На роздрукований або намальований малюнок на картоні чи альбомному листі , нанести не дуже тонким слоєм клей ПВА та пкккрисипати кольоровими ошурками (бажано не розтирати руками ,бо розтреться клей ).
Дати підсохнути кілька годин не перевертаючи картини (можна залишити на ніч ) , і тільки потім струсити зайві ошурки. (якщо струсити зразу змішаються кольори.)
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Набір бумага А4 10штук на клейкій основі з глітером тоненька -30 гривень

Використовується при створенні букетний композицій, і для іграшок, в якості елемента скарлбукінга ,бо легко тягнеться і з легкістю «запам'ятовує» нову форму. .оскільки на клейовий основі то навіть з дитиною легко створити листівку, іграшку…новорічну маску .костюм та будь який декор

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Набір фоамірану 1 мм Китай 10 штук 20*30 см мікс ціна 30 гривень

Використовується при створенні букетний композицій, і для іграшок, в якості елемента скарлбукінга ,бо легко тягнеться і з легкістю «запам'ятовує» нову форму. .оскільки на клейовий основі то навіть з дитиною легко створити листівку, іграшку…новорічну маску .костюм та будь який декор

тел 097 254 49 60 (вайбер)Наталія