Rest. Algorithm of actions

Yesterday one of my friends in the virtual world asked me how I was going to work with the DreamTrips project. I fully understand that this question will arise not only from him alone. Therefore, I answer all those who are interested in this special article.

First of all, I'm not going to work. You should agree, even an article called Rest. How to work? - looks very stupid. However, I'm going to act and now I will sincerely tell you how. I believe that sincerity in such matters is far from the last thing.

But I would like to start with a short story. I am absolutely adequate to the MLM industry and do not see anything shameful in taking part in network activities. Much worse, if people working for the state or eating at McDonald's do not realize that they somehow take part in network marketing.

If we talk about my serious involvement in such projects, then we can only mention two cases. In both situations, I had joined the activities of companies only when this completely coincided with my personal interests during a certain period of my life. There are no secrets.

In the first case, it was Intway, with the help of which in 2006 I tried to learn how to build my own websites. I had a great team, with many participants of which I still maintain excellent friendly relations. By the way, after the company was killed in a barbaric way, I, with my partner in another business, built more than 150 websites, with which a team of over one hundred copywriters worked.

In the second case, I helped my wife with the company Herbalife, to which she joined in order to ... help me. The fact is that because of a wrong way of life by 2011 I gained excess weight and reached 150 kilograms, earning diabetes and other unpleasant side effects. Then my wife and I coped with the task perfectly, I lost weight by 50 kilograms, I learned to eat right, I got rid of all diseases and regained my way of life under full control.

That's all. In other MLM projects, I did not participate. At least I did not join them with serious intentions, that is why don't remember any. I am deeply convinced that it is impossible to become rich and happy with only MLM projects. To do this, you need to change your attitude to money. In my opinion, it is possible to achieve serious success only when money becomes an instrument for achieving the goal, not the goal itself.

Therefore, in MLM projects, I take part only when they completely coincide with my goals at this particular section of my life. Now that is the case. I do not really care what kind of feedbacks there are about the project on the Web. There are always people who are enthusiastic about the project or those who are not happy with it. It is quite enough for me that DreamTrips has been operating in the profile market for 12 years and has over 30 Oscars from the sphere of tourism business. Therefore, I'm only interested in the rules of the game.

As for how I build a team, it's even easier with this. I have quite a lot of contacts in ordinary social networks and in crypto social projects, which I tell about at our open University of crypto networks and many of you know about it.

Therefore, the algorithm of my actions is very simple. I inform all my friends in the virtual and real world that I take part in a project that coincides with my vital interests - helps to organize vacations at the best prices, gives an opportunity to meet regularly with partners and close people abroad, and at the same time gives the opportunity to receive a passive income.

All the answers of my friends, one way or another, are divided into two categories - I'm interested or I'm not interested. And this is quite enough and absolutely normal. No one needs to be forced, no one should be persuaded. If people ignore your personal question, then this is an excellent excuse to get rid this person from your friendship. And do not to bore him with information about your life and about your actions. It's simple, is not it? This is the algorithm of actions.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
DreamTrips at my PR laboratory

As you already know, dear readers, I always try to find the most interesting and useful projects for the open University of crypto social networks on the Levelnaut website.

But today we do not have an ordinary review. This article will be part of the Rest course. This course is the latest in the list of subjects, but not the last in terms of importance. We have already said many times about the need to invest in ourselves - in our knowledge, in health and in rest. And now we will continue this topic. Now I will simply list the reasons for which I singled out this project, joined him with my whole family, and now I recommend to you.

1. DreamTrips, in my opinion - it's just the biggest travel agency, which was awarded more than 30 Oscars in the field of tourism. That is why there are the lowest prices for travel. Here you can afford to book in advance and plan a vacation for large groups of travelers, so here are such low prices.

2. Everything that we invest in this project, one way or another turns into points, that is, into local tokens, which in one way or another will be spent on our travels. Of course, not at once, but for many different trips.

3. Meanwhile there is no own crypto currency in DreamTrips, but it is possible to withdraw everything that you will earn here in bitcoins, directly to your wallet. But you can also earn dollars, which is very convenient for us, at least until fiat exists.

4. As I said, you can earn in the project. To do this, you just need to buy a franchise for a little money (a little more than $ 100) and become one of the employees of this large club of travelers.

5. One way or another, we all have to travel a lot on business trips. If you want to keep abreast of how the crypto currency develops in the world, what are the most profitable opportunities already exist or are just being planned, then you need to receive information first-hand. To do this, you need to go to meet-ups, presentations, meetings with developers. I'm not talking about meetings of participants in crypto social networks for a joint holiday. All this can be done much cheaper, but better.

6. You can, of course, use the services for individual rental of housing in different countries and save on it. But it is rather difficult, because we do not know the local realities, the people who provide us housing, nor many other details. In addition, if we work seriously, then we should have a good rest, and not always think about how to organize this holiday.

This list can go on and on. But these arguments are already enough to buy a club card for 250$ (gold) or 400$ (platinum). I have bought Platinum, naturally, as it gives more possibilities. To do this is very easy - on the Levelnaut website there are several banners in different languages, or you can first watch the video, and then register on the link If you want to be with me in the same team, use ID 71615070 at registration form. As you can see, everything is simple and clear.

And when you join the project, you can start choosing the first trip and plan your first trips. And also start earning Fiat and crypto currency in DreamTrips.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
Introduction. Strategy win5

Surely, many of you have already heard about the win-win strategy. This happens when you are participating in one share, but you get a double benefit. Today I will introduce to you win5 strategy, which means approximately the same, but the gain is not double, but multiplied five times.

You also know the phrase - who owns the information, he owns the world. I do not offer you the possession of the world. Most likely, it's too troublesome. But I propose to get acquainted with the information collected in the open University of crypto social networks. You can simply click on the link and see everything yourself. But I would still recommend reading this article to understand why we are talking about win5.

The following words sound like a mantra - Start Best Networking Learn Rest, but in fact - it's just the names of the training blocks of this virtual institution. Each of the blocks assumes a double benefit.

Start. You not only learn the basics of working with crypto currency, but start investing in yourself, in your life. Investments in stone, wood and iron today have no significance. Only investments in self-education, health and positive matter.

Best. You do not just study the sources of obtaining crypto currency, but immediately begin to form your initial capital. Working with the best projects, you are on the one hand, it is time and invest (and not money!), And on the other, saving is the time. You are not distracted by everything, but focus only on the best.

Networking. Working with crypto social networks, you not only get positive from communicating with other users. You also successfully promote your business and at the same time do not spend, but earn a variety of types of cryptocurrency. With this you also reduce all risks and you are no longer too much interested in the course of any one coin - bitcoin, etherium or anything else.

Learn. You not only learn how to invest correctly, manage your time and your life, but teach it to other people. And as long as no one has canceled partner programs, for your work on training - you get additional benefits.

Rest. Thanks to the win5 strategy, you will not only find a very interesting, fascinating holiday and an ocean of positive emotions. You participate in a project that helps you to get to know the world and meet other participants in your and other projects practically anywhere in the world. But the most interesting is that even if you earn traditional money (fiat) or cryptocurrency - your choice.

This is a very short representation of the win5 strategy. More details about this can be found in the program of the Open University of Crypto Social Networks. Of course, I would like to know the opinion of each of you and someone I will ask about it personally, but your comments will also be interesting to me.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
Rest. Beginning

Today you will learn about the final course of the open University of crypto social networks, called Rest. This is absolutely normal and before you have to rest - you need to do something. Otherwise, you will not get the desired effect and everything will be meaningless.

But you can relax in different ways. In our University, on the Levelnaut website, you can rest using the 5WIN strategy, which will be described in the introductory article, just before the very first course of the University, which will be called Start. All this you will learn in the very near future, but for now I want to say a few words about the course called Rest.

If you do not like reading and analyzing useful information, then you can simply click on the travel banner on the website, where all the materials and all training courses are located. Or you can go to and watch any video. If everything that you see will interest you, you can immediately register using my ID 71615070 or ask me any question about this personally, at [email protected]

In this training course you will receive, for example, the answers to the following questions:

1. How to save money for a good, quality vacation?
2. How to choose the trip of your dreams at the lowest prices?
3. How can I go to any trip or to any meet-up about cryptocurrency, for example, and at the same time have a good rest?
4. How can I earn a stable income even when the bitcoin rate falls?
5. How to diversify finances during the transition period, that is, when the cryptocurrency has not completely replaced fiat?
6. How can you easily earn even while on holiday or during a business trip?
7. How to receive additional income in the form of a cryptocurrency even when you do nothing by yourself?

Of course, this is far from a complete list of answers that you can get during the course on the Rest course. But now you already know approximately what the speech is about and you can determine for yourself how much all this is interesting for you.

Next choice is yours, what and when to teach, what to do and of course, how to rest.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
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