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Стартувала Акція «ВІКЕНД в КАРПАТАХ»!
Період дії Акції – з 03.07.2020 по 31.08.2020 року включно.

В Акції беруть участь: програми накопичувального страхування життя «10», «18», «35», «36», «37» з терміном дії договорів страхування від 10 рокі;, ризикові програми страхування життя «45», «46», «47»
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The Last Link

As you have noticed, dear readers, there have been no new publications on Levelnaut for quite some time. But the reason for their absence is not coronavirus at all. In my opinion, the coronavirus pandemic is more a matter of social discipline and professionalism of social managers than medicine. But now it’s not about that, but about why there have been no publications for so long.

In fact, everything is simple. all this time the last link in the scheme was developed and introduced, which I have already talked about many times on the pages of this site.

If you first learned about the existence of such a scheme, then I will now briefly recall it. This information will also be very useful to those who are just planning to begin their journey into the crypto world. So, in order.

1 link. Familiarization with the work of simple services that allow you to understand how to make money in this type of activity. You get an idea of ??what coins, tokens and types of earnings of cryptocurrency are. You are also trying to get a certain amount of coins for the simplest actions on the Internet. There are a huge number of such services, and thanks to various business teams on the Levelnaut website, we managed to select the best sites. These are all kinds of faucets, buxes (PTC - services), airdrops, giveaways and many others.

Problem. At this stage, you can earn LONG AND LOW.

2 Link. Nevertheless, if you have already managed to accumulate a certain amount of coins, then you can use a tool such as staking. That is, if you say very simply, then you can deposit the accumulated coins for storage and receive interest for this. There is also a lot of information on staking on the Levelnaut website, but you can gradually study this topic yourself and start receiving passive income with almost no risk.

Problem. It is advisable to give a large number of coins to staking, otherwise the passive income will be SMALL. You can, of course, try to trade on the exchange in order to increase capital, but first you need to think carefully about who you want to take part of the profit from. On the exchanges, as a rule, such monsters are spinning that they will quickly leave you even without minimal savings.

3 link. You can send part of the accumulated cryptocurrency to the service for active work. I have been trying for a long time to find such a service. It's no secret that recently I participated in several projects. But in the end, none of them suited me. All this time I watched from the side at one project. I really liked the way it had been developed. It was not a HYIP and there was not much noise around this project. Nevertheless, a rather large community has grown here and all the services that are necessary for a serious cryptocurrency business have been built and opened - exchange, trading platform, telegram bot, binary, matrix, and much more. And this week, the transition of the project to its own blockchain was almost completed. The new coin was created successfully, the wallet was implemented too and in the near future for convenience a plastic card will be connected. In a week we also expect the connection of a module called Accelerator. Its main task will be to stabilize and increase the value of the coin. More information will be published on this page https://levelnaut.com/webtokenprofit of the Levelnaut website.

As you probably already guessed, my main area of ??activity in this project will be the formation of an international team and the involvement of regional leaders and representatives. A special group was created for this. Information about it is also on the mentioned above page.

The combination of all three links will help to earn cryptocurrency more efficiently, as well as allow you to get more serious passive income.

Boris Siomin,