SMM bomb

Honestly, I did not even expect such a large number of responses and messages to one of the last posts of the Levelnaut website. Subscribers are well aware of what is being discussed, and I will remind everyone else that this is an article - Case: Group Power Daily from $ 20 to $ 100 published on January 6.

On the one hand, I understand that the prospect of earning from $20 to $100 on the Internet is suitable for someone. Indeed, if you work regularly and intensively to develop this business, then it is quite possible to go out to earn several thousand dollars a month.

On the other hand, in my opinion, the time of life is much more expensive than the money. Unfortunately, we do not always remember this. Therefore, I am a supporter of doing what I love, and not that that brings a lot of money. A combination of these two concepts is an extremely rare occurrence these days.

Nevertheless, I received hundreds or perhaps even thousands of responses and, of course, questions on social networks. Unfortunately, I can’t answer each of you personally, so I’ll make a few general explanations.

1. In order for the groups indicated in the article to be more effective and have a more effective impact on the potential customer, you need to not only use what I created, but also actively develop these groups yourselves. Invite as many new users as possible - first become ther friends, and then offer the opportunity to join a group. As I have already indicated in the article, use the opportunity to invite in bulk, that is, through the available option to add friends to a group through mail contacts.

2. On sites for freelancers, create an attractive portfolio where you describe in detail your SMM opportunities, directions and be sure to specify statistics - the number of groups, users, a link to your blog (or a site with more complete information), etc.

3. Promote regularly with all available means (paid and free) your service. Describe interesting cases, talk about the results, do not be afraid to share your experience, you will benefit even more from this yourselves.

4. Notify me and other users of new features. That is, if you find on the Internet a new crypto social network (with rewards in cryptocurrency) or an ordinary, traditional social network with the opportunty to create groups, write about it right away. Just before that, be sure to check everything, it is quite possible that this project is already in the lists of the Levelnaut website (just enter the name of what you want to offer in the Search).

5. Especially for this occasion, I have created a group in the Telegram called SMM Office . In this group I invite both those who want to work in this direction and those who need effective promotion and are willing to pay for it even if they have a very limited budget.

In short, this is all I wanted to report on the case mentioned above, all the other details and questions in the group on Telegram.

Boris Siomin,
Santa will not help

Someone might think that this post is not positive enough, because usually Santa Claus helps all people and anyone can ask for a gift. Of course, I agree with this basic position, but I want to make a few clarifications.

Firstly, this article is written for Internet entrepreneurs who know very well that free cheese only happens in a mousetrap. Let's not forget about this main rule in the new year.

Secondly, it is always best to rely on your knowledge and experience and constantly invest in self-development and self-education, and not wait until someone comes and helps. You can wait a very long time, but networkers, like no one else, understand that time is also money.

Thirdly, Internet entrepreneurs themselves often act as wizards and bring gifts to other people. They help not only members of their families, but also partners and even just strangers.

For example, today I want to give you all a gift and give excellent instructions that will tell you how to act in the new year. If you carefully read everything that is written there, then you will agree that I am also a knd of Santa, at least, my gift is not worse.

If this does not seem enough to you, then right now I will give you another insider on the topic of crypto social networks. The day after tomorrow I will meet with the administration of one very large new project, which has every chance to compete not only with Steemit, but even Facebook, for example. While I will not say anything else, I will tell all the details after the meeting.

Therefore, I urge all those who read these lines to look again at the title of this post, then on the calendar and proceed with active actions. Think about what gifts you have for your friends and people close to you.

And remember the main thing - in order to be a positive and successful person, it is not necessary to wait until Santa Claus appears with his gifts. Finish celebrating, make a list of tasks for this year and get started.

If you need support or advice, then you can always go to the Levelnaut website and find everything you need. Let this year be for you the most successful in your life and in business.

Boris Siomin,
It is a good idea to start learning foreagn languages onlne from the frst days of the new year. Here is some information to help you with that
Finish and Start

This is the last post in 2019, dear readers, so it is called this way. These words are familiar to any athlete and, of course, they are familiar to you. And now I will explain why I chose this topic for today's article. Everything is clear with the finish - today is the last day of the calendar year and this means the end of the race. But why the start? In other words, what awaits us in 2020, in addition to the usual, technical shot from a sports pistol?

I am sure that each of you already has a rough answer to the question of what you will do in the coming year. And now I will tell you about what the plans of the teams Levelnaut, CryptoNetLeader and BestCrypto.

Firstly, you have certainly seen the ranking of the best projects of the last year and you probably noticed something unusual in it. In the category of investment projects, you saw a Telegram bot project called IBanker24 in the first position. Starting next year, all our teams and groups begin very serious work with this project.

Behind this project is the Australian NEM CAPITAL fund with a multi-million dollar turnover. Acquaintance with this fund will take place very soon in Egypt. On the Levelnaut website you will get all the necessary insiders and official information), but only those who fulfill the conditions of the promotion will be able to fly to Egypt. The IBanker24 project is different in that it only deploys its own nodes everywhere, for security reasons, and works only with those cryptocurrencies whose transactions go in seconds - BIP, PRIZM, UMC, WINK and several others that are just getting ready to launch.

In short, IBanker24 is a platform for investing and working with the most profitable POS and DPOS tokens to date.

This is the main news and the most important insider of the outgoing year. I advise investors to pay the most serious attention to this project, and I recommend all newcomers to collect everything that they have earned on faucets in the best projects of the above rating and transfer them to IBanker24. By the way, one more inside. In the very near future (that is, in the coming week), an internal exchanger of all these tokens will be launched in addition to all the exchanges where they has been traded officially.

And the IBanker24 programmer team is working on the web version and mobile application in full and at the most accelerated pace. Let's not forget that UMC is also part of IBanker24 and on the already finished UMC website everyone will be able to perform various tasks and receive rewards for them in UMC tokens, which can be exchanged in the same way as tokens from TRON casino WINK in the internal exchanger.

I am sure that you liked everything that I wrote above. But I want to add still that all the teams Levelnaut, CryptoNetLeader and BestCrypto earned in IBanker24 plan to redirect to arbitrage and affliate networkng.

Now that you have received all the insiders, you also have a detailed instruction from Levelnaut website team and know what we will do in 2020, I can only congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish you the fulfillment of all your plans and desires. And as always, I advise all those who have not yet subscribed to the Levelnaut website to do this as quickly as possible so as not to miss the most interesting in 2020.

Boris Siomin,
Foreign Language skills can help you in self-development significantly. Just mind it and check this information