Two models of crypto networks

If the bitcoin rate grows, then it's much nicer to write about crypto social networks. This is the trend that is currently taking place in the profile market. But fortunately, our system of work does not depend on the growth rate, so we can always calmly analyze and draw conclusions.

One of the interesting conclusions from our observations is the fact that all existing projects refer to two main models - those which are built on blockchain and those which moved to blockchain.

Of course, in the near future all crypto social networks will be built on the basis of blockchain technology. But so far the picture is exactly this and practice shows that both models can be successful today.

Literally in a couple of days another TOP10 will be published for the month of July and you will be able to see there the representatives of the first model (Steemit, Dream-Real, Alphabit, Trybe etc.) and the second one (Enpowr, Minds).

This I hint that if, for example, Facebook wanted to enter the TOP10, then it could do this, while Mark Zuckerberg has a chance. But the problem is that he will never go on blockchain and on system of rewarding users for activity. His greed will not allow him to do it.

That's why Minds is successfully catching up with Facebook for the quality of timeline and popularity. And eventually it will overtake FB. And to wait for this event is not long. Entire countries (for example, Vietnam) completely switch to Minds because of the policy of Facebook.

Based on what has been said above, the conclusion is very simple - today the last call for all traditional and commercial networks sounds. If they today pretend that nothing is happening, or it does not concern the, so very soon no one will even remember them.

And I will tell you a secret, in the following TOP10s on the website there will be no other projects and other models. They already have no meaning.

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Special crypto networks

Today we will take a closer look at those crypto social networks that specialize in a single topic or on a particular type of activity. There are more and more such projects and we need to understand how to work with them.

Naturally, this article will enter the course of "Crypto Networks" in our open University of crypto social networks, which you are already well aware of.

Undoubtful leaders of this direction are the projects Scorum and Viberate. They have already proven themselves in the crypto world and many of you are actively cooperating with them.

The only problem is that Viberate has not yet launched the functionality of communication between users and additions to friends. Therefore, most likely, in the very near future this crypto social network will be transferred to the group of projects for earning (Best Projects) at

As for other areas, there are such crypto networks that specialize in bounties, on the microworks and on other types of activities.

In my opinion, in the very near future there will be more such projects as Scorum, because in essence they are specialized media, and in many aspects exceed them significantly. Just look at the main page of this website to understand how much of the most relevant and interesting information is published here daily.

Unlike professional journalists, which are usually instruments of the state (even the so-called independent) content for this project is supplied by the users themselves. They are often much more experienced professionals than journalists. Their work is rewarded in the crypto currency, so the quality of information is much higher.

As I said above, I am absolutely sure that in the very near future such projects will appear much more. And we will closely monitor their appearance.

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QBk at my PR laboratory

We continue to improve the main list of crypto social networks on the website and today there will be next changes. In short, the main list will disappear Zenduja, and the project QBk will be added.

Zenduja is a commercial network, so we will transfer this site to Best Projects for Earning Crypto, and its' line will be occupied by the new crypto social network QBk.

I still have a lot of questions for this project. But in About us on the website it is written the following: "... QBK's mission is a social network which unite people all over the world to create simple and convenient communication. QBk supports the rapid uploading and timely sharing of original pictures and articles, and enables the original creators to obtain appreciation and rewards from them, and is committed to becoming the fastest, most unique, and most attractive social networking platform ... "

How after such a description not to include it in the main list? In addition, the website has a very attractive design and has its own token, which is called QBK and all information on fees can be seen in a special Financial Center.

As I said this project is still very fresh and maybe that's why I did not understand the system of rewards, the system of boosterization and the system of curatorship here. But we will have time and opportunity to comment on the changes. Also, I did not find a referral program here, which, it is quite possible, will not exist at all.

Nevertheless, I think that QBk also has good prospects and every chance to gain a foothold in the main line-up. Therefore, I recommend starting my acquaintance with this project in the near future and of course register in it.

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Why 50?

Frankly speaking, I do not like mathematics and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Maybe I'm very lucky, but never in my life have I had to apply knowledge above the level of simple arithmetic. And today this is the case, I finally answer the question that interests many of you.

I am often asked why there are exactly 50 projects on the main list of crypto social networks Why not 20 or 100, for example? I want to remind you that we also have TOP10, but this is the rating that we make every first day of the month.

Despite my weak knowledge of mathematics, I have very accurately calculated the amount of money that I need for a fairly comfortable life. I also took into account the cost of traveling to all sorts of meetings related to the topic of the crypto currency. This amount is equivalent to about 5 thousand dollars.

In the future I plan to make work in crypto social networks my main occupation, so the following calculation is very simple. 5 thousand divide by 30 days of the month (on average) and get about 167 dollars. This is the amount you need to earn daily to achieve the goal.

And now we divide 167 dollars into the number of crypto social networks in the list and get about $3.3. This is the amount you need to earn in each of the projects on a daily basis.

If you think that this is all unreal, then you are mistaken. Already now there are social networks in which I earn much more. Therefore, it remains to fulfill two important tasks. The first task is to select the best projects in this list (and here we have almost reached the goal). And the second is to bring the earnings in them to the amount above $3.3.

If everything is done gradually, if time-management used right way, if boosters are used properly and you constantly study this topic, then the mission is quite possible. Let's not forget about passive income and earnings in other projects, which are spent the most minimal time.

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The agony of banks

I'm not crazy to call this way the article. Now I will share with you some thoughts, and you analyze yourself.

I think that despite the huge amount of accumulated fiat, the banks have already entered into a desperate battle with the cryptocurrency. And if only recently they just did not notice bitcoin at all or called everything that is associated with it a soap bubble, now they act differently.

The most popular words on the Internet in recent years have become "verification" and "regulation." What does it say? The fact that these two main weapons are promoted by banks and their faithful servants - government officials. Have you ever heard the term KYC before? Now this is almost an indispensable condition for any activity on the Internet.

By the way, in Israel this KYC can be obtained only in the bank, because no other bill with your address is given to users in English.

And this is not the last weapon that banks use in a deadly battle with the crypto. Yesterday, for example, I was surprised to learn that PayPal banned personal payments in our country. For what then this service is needed is not clear. Can Ilan Mask know? I ought to ask him about it.

A faithful servant of banks - the state tells fairy-tales of a pension all around the world. But I think that in five years we will not even understand what a pension is. The population is aging so rapidly that no increase in retirement age will help.

I recommend training in this situation. Self-education is the path that helps open your eyes. It is for this reason that I created an open University of crypto social networks, about which you already know.

Yesterday, I promised you good news. This news is just about the fact that not all the battles to banks can win. This news came from the social network EMPOWR and I want to quote it, to once again give pleasure to you and yourself.

"... To further maximize the utilization of our coin, effective immediately let's all ensure we're using EMPR instead of U.S. Dollars everywhere in empowr. Our engineers are working to automate the accepting of EMPR coins everywhere in empowr, and remove PayPal and credit cards. ... " It would be nice if all social networks and projects learned about this message.

And I really want that the most popular words are not verification and regulation, but blockchain and decentralization.

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