To spam or not to spam?

I agree - in Shakespeare's time, users had completely different issues, more global ones. However, the users themselves were different, although I suspect that social networks already had existed even in that historical period. I really hope that we will also remember banks and officials once, with a smile, as a historical misunderstanding.

But today we will not remind anything, we have a more practical task. The answer to the question indicated in the title of the article today is very actual. This is a hot topic for everyone who works in crypto social and traditional networks. Therefore, my recommendation will be very useful for someone.

Naturally, my answer to this question is sharply negative. And it's not even that users are punished for spam today, but that if you do not respect other people, your reputation constantly tends to zero. And with a bad reputation to make money is very difficult.

On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with what you want, for example, to share with someone your referral links. Let it be done even with completely unfamiliar to you people. You just have to do everything right way and then people that you do not know at all - can very easily become your friends and business partners.

In order for this to happen, make a special folder on the desktop of your computer, which you can name, for example, LINKS PROMO or something else. In this folder you will have many other folders with the names of those projects that you will promote.

In this folder, constantly collect the appropriate pictures and screenshots of this project, as well as pictures (from free stocks) that are suitable in meaning. These pictures should be many (the more, the better) and they should be attractive.

In the same folder you will have another file, but with the texts only. To begin with, you can indicate in these very short texts the most interesting features of the project. For example: "You can get a thousand dollars here for a introduction post" (about Steemit), "Here you can sell even your old socks for crypto currency" (about Empowr), "Watch erotic pictures and get tokens" (about Minds), etc. Such phrases can be hundreds or thousands.

But it is much more useful to follow the news of the project and briefly, in one sentence, report them in our groups in crypto-social networks. The News section is in almost every social network and every project, subscribe to them, read regularly, choose the most delicious and publish. This will be useful to you and to other users too.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
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Leopays at my PR laboratory

I am a very tolerant man and very calm about the different characteristics of people. But I also have one weakness - I hate the banking system and the state system. In my opinion, these are the most dangerous thieves and scammers, the most important enemies of all mankind.

Yesterday, my youngest daughter, she only 13 years old, started working with crypto social networks. You can imagine how happy I was. Thank you blockchain and thank you Satoshi Nakamoto. You give the world a chance for freedom, it's a pity that humanity still does not understand this well.

Now let's talk about the case. Today we have a review day, so we add the Leopays project to the main list of crypto social networks on the website. For this there is every reason.

Firstly, it is a crypto social network, there is an option for adding friends and there is an opportunity to communicate with them. Secondly, the activity of users in this project is rewarded in LPC tokens.

These tokens are today the main Leopays own coin. It is interesting that all the money you earn goes to automining and so your earnings increase.

In addition, this project has a system of curatorship and a system of boosterization. In Leopays, there are several packages specifically for those users who want to get into business and increase their earnings.

It seems that developers have taken into account all the nuances and requirements of today, so this website has so many useful tools for communication, entertainment, and business.

By the way, the referral program is also there, and if you are interested in all that I have written above, go to and register in this project.

As you can see, the main list of cryptonetworks is getting better and better and you have an excellent chance to prepare for the period of decentralization in the society. This time will come anyway, technologies prove it perfectly. Once again I want to say - thank you blockchain!

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
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Mobile crypto networks

Let's first determine the name. If it is slightly expanded, it turns out - crypto currency social networks for mobile phones. In other words, these are projects that are aimed at an audience that uses only mobile gadgets.

There are quite a lot of such projects already today. If you look at the main list of crypto social networks, even there you will find such websites as: Monoreto, Sola, Friendz, Enlte. This is still not a complete list, much more similar services are in the potential list of crypto networks.

If you want to know my opinion on all these projects, it is extremely negative. I believe that all these projects have no future. Developers of such services expect to earn money in an easier way and successfully pass the ICO under the pretext that they have their target audience. But this is a big mistake.

Of course, teenagers and students are a fairly large and advanced audience in the world. But today they will not sit long hours in the network in order to earn those miserable pennies that they are ready to pay theoretically creators and developers of mobile crypto networks.

I am sure that investors also understand this problem and therefore do not hurry now to invest in such projects-pancakes.

To date, there is one time-tested and reliable scheme - this is the one that was proposed in Steemit at the very beginning. And this scheme, in one form or another, is used in the most successful projects. I wrote about it many times, including in the previous article on the website.

That's why now there are such painful transformations, for example, on the website of social network Sola. Most likely, the developers will finally come to the conclusion that the audience of mobile phones is not such a sweet patty as it seemed to them at first. And I think this is the reason that there are so many bugs and problems in the version for a personal computer, which they eventually try to modify. At least, I hope so.

And in new projects, developers should act in a different way - first create a version for the PC and do it with all the necessary elements and only then create a mobile version to expand the audience. Only this way the project can become a successful one. At lest today.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now