Two good news

Many jokes begin with the fact that one who tells you has two news - one good, the other bad. Fortunately, we have another start to fasting today and I will start it by telling you about two good news at once.

The first news. As you already know, a large number of articles on different learning topics are published on the Levelnaut website. Many of them already today can be found in the directory which you actively use. But the good news is that all these articles and posts eventually evolved into a virtual Open University of crypto social networks.

In the very near future on our site will be fully published training courses on the subjects of the Crypto, Reviews, Buttons and CryptoIdea. Therefore, anyone can study at this University independently and absolutely without any payment.

The second news. The site has several times been published quality infographics on the topic of crypto, bitcoin and blocchain.

I managed to reconcile with (Karthik Reddy) and in the very near future will be published, at least, 6 more large works on the topic of crypto currency. I do not want to reveal all the secrets and talk about all the infographic topics, but trust me, they will all be very interesting and useful.

Moreover, all the infographics published on the Levelnaut website will also be included in the curriculum and materials of the Open University of Crypto Social Networks.

And now, let's sum up. If you will closely follow the publications, then do not miss the link in which there will be absolutely all the training information on the topic Crypto social networks.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
Buttons. FAQ

Frequently Asking Questions or FAQ are terms that are familiar to all internet users. Sometimes they are replaced with the Help button. But at today's lesson in our open University of crypto social networks, we'll talk about what needs to be checked first.

Let me remind you that this training course is called Buttons. In this course we discuss modules, elements and functional of each crypto social network. Especially we are interested in the items that can be found in the profile (account) of each user.

The FAQ button is not only in the user's profile, but it is usually either in the main menu of the website, or it can be found in the bottom menu of any of its pages. But sometimes it is located among the other profile buttons.

After registering at any crypto social network, you need to get answers to the following questions:

1. What user activity is required in this project?
2. How is this activity rewarded?
3. Is there a system of curatorship (that is, whether your activity is rewarded in relation to other users - likes, upvotes, reposts, etc.)?
4. Is there a possibility of boosting (improving the account, possibility of upgrading, obtaining a premium account) and what are the conditions for that?
5. Is there an affiliate (referral) program in the project?
6. How does the functionality of adding users to and interacting with friends?
7. Is it possible to create groups?
8. Does the project have its own crypto currency, its coins or tokens?
9. How does the withdrawal of the funds earned in the project occur?
10. How to replenish the account balance, if necessary?

These are only the most important points, which should be paid attention at the very beginning. Of course, the lack of any elements or information about them - this is not an excuse to abandon this project.

The lack of information is just the reason why you can contact admin support via the Support button, which we talked about in the last lesson. By the way, I definitely recommend doing this. Be sure to find out all the incomprehensible moments and at the same time check the feedback. The Silence of the Support Service is a serious reason to be on the alert and look for additional information.

As you know, in the list of potential crypto social networks on the Levelnaut website not all projects already have the FAQ button. But you can find there the Roadmap button there and find out when and what will appear on this website.

These are just the main points that need to be considered, but you can always tell in the comments about others or share your own experiences.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
BountyHive at my PR laboratory

BountyHive has long been in the field of my observation. This crypto social network is very similar to BountyHunter and there is also no possibility of communication between users. But I think that someday such an opportunity will appear, since this element is very conducive to promoting and increasing the total number of users.

Also, I have not noticed any system of boosting in this project, at least nowhere is it said about the possibility of an upgrade, nor about an improved account, etc.

In all other respects, BountyHive is a very promising project, if one can even talk about the future of ICO in the form in which this phenomenon exists today.

When you sign up for the project using the link, you will immediately have at your disposal a virtual office where your participation in ICO campaigns will be regulated.

By the way, there are a lot of offers on the site and I would recommend first of all to draw your attention to the ICO of crypto social networks, with which later you will surely start working.

For example, now you can find ICO Karma here. This site has long been under my supervision and it can even be found in the list of potential projects at There are ICO and other projects of interest to us, so working with them can be beneficial doubly.

If you already registered on the above link, you can start inviting friends, members of your groups and readers of your blogs. As for every new member you invite, you get here 0.0075 ETH and this is also a very advantageous offer.

If you do not understand something, then find the button "How It Works" in the main menu of the BountyHive site and find answers to all your questions there. Also you can leave your comments after this article.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
Buttons. Support

You all know very well about the presence of the Support button in your account in any crypto social network. But can you use this tool?

As you guessed, dear readers, today we have another lesson in the open University of crypto social networks on the subject of Buttons. The topic of the lesson is Support.

I always have a wonderful relationship with this button, I love it, respect it and constantly use it in my work. Even though the people who stand behind this button can steal your money (my greetings to Contynet and BitBayPay) or vice versa to donate them (my best wishes are @Changelly and CryptoSocial). Thanks to the work with this tool, I can make a quality catalog which you all know well.

I always perfectly imagine people who are on the other side of your computer screen when you click on the Support button. And it does not matter whether there is one person or a whole group of people. I myself was one of such people, and at one time I had several dozen of my projects on the Web.

It is for this reason that today's lesson will be short, but very important. The main advice that I want to give you and the main conclusion that you should make for yourself sounds like this - always communicate with the support service of any project.

It is not necessary to wait for a negative reason or start a scandal, always try to find out the reason for this or that event. It is possible that the people from Support are not to blame for not having read the FAQ, do not know the basic principles of the Internet projects, or that some kind of failure has occurred on the Web.

On the other hand, believe me, they are always happy to receive a message from you. Especially if this message is positive, constructive and benevolent. Try to understand the important thing - without interactive, no project on the Internet can not exist.

People on the other side of the screen really need your messages, your ideas and your benevolent remarks. Thanks to them they improve the projects, make them more functional, better and more popular.

Remember that from the moment you joined any of the crypto social networks, you became part of her team. You are an active tester and advisor, even if it is not a Beta version. As you all know, there is no limit to perfection.

And the last advice for today. Never leave unsolved questions. Remember - this is a step backwards. This is the case when someone, not you take a step forward, learns important details, learns and succeeds. Therefore, actively use the Support button in your work, and I will be happy with your comments on this topic.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
Crypto networks. Drafts

When it comes to time management, many users who work with crypto social networks complain that they do not have enough time.

This is an ordinary story and in no case is an excuse for stopping or even suspending work. Today, as part of the program of lessons at our University of crypto social networks, I will tell you how to solve this problem.

In previous articles, I had already written that you should have a Promo folder on your desktop in the CryptoNet folder. In addition to the subfolder Pictures, make one more in it, which is called Texts. And now, you can roughly determine the files that will be there.

1. We have already discussed that if you open your groups in social networks, then you need to have thematic pictures, as well as logos, covers and other visual tools. This is what the Pictures folder is for and I've already told you where to get the materials for it. Make yourself also textual blanks for describing groups, a welcome posts, group rules, etc.

2. Make a separate file (also in a standard notebook) called Support. Here you will save drafts and blanks for your standard messages to the support services of crypto social networks.

3. For daily spreading and sharing of your articles, posts and materials, I would also make a separate file. In this file, which I update daily, there are text copies of my most recent posts (in Russian and English), the addresses of the pages on which my articles were published in the blog, tags (keywords), etc.

4. Make a separate file for drafting your own lists. You know that the Levelnaut website has a full catalog of useful information for working with crypto social networks and many of you actively use it. But very few people know that I have a draft in which all the lists are stored in the HTML system.

There is a draft of the main list of crypto social networks, and a list of potential projects, and a list of partner programs, and a list of reviews, etc. This is very helpful both in case of any unforeseen circumstances, and for daily work. So doing add-ons and updates is much easier.

5. In the Texts folder, you can also add the Others file at the initial stage, where you will make other drafts of the texts. Then, in case of information stuffing, you can always create a new specialized file.

This approach to business will help you solve many issues that concern time management.

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