Buttons. To add friends

Today we continue our education on the subject called Buttons at our open University of crypto social networks.

The profile button Add to friends is very important for your rapid and successful promotion. Unfortunately, sometimes we do not accurately understand its essence and incorrectly use this tool of our profile.

I will not now turn to philosophy and tell you what friendship is. You yourself know very well what is friendship. But the Add to Friends button in Crypto social does not at all mean that you become a friend of any user in real life. That is, it is quite possible, but not necessary.

There is no point in being too cautious and taking a responsible decision on each candidate. In case of discomfort or suspicion, remember that the project functionality always provides the option Delete from friends or Block user.

On the other hand, the more virtual friends you have, the better for many indicators. Now I will name only a few.

1. The most important thing is that if you have a large number of friends, you will have better promotion in the system of curation. Almost all crypto social networks are guided by this factor and reward users, pay them their coins for the fact that they ... approve the activity of other users. This is understandable and it promotes any project as a whole.

2. A large number of friends make your chronicle (the reader's line) more rich and diverse. In the future you will be able to regulate it and the network itself will help you with this, but at the initial stage you should in any case have a large selection of information. By the way, thanks to this information you can make your chronicle thematic and spend less time searching for what you need. You can make your catalog faster. Here is mine, for example https://levelnaut.com/2018/04/20/catalog-of-useful-articles/ and it is useful not only to me but also to my friends.

3. A large number of friends allows you to keep abreast of all events, news and new projects. And it is this fact that makes your activity in this crypto social network not boring.

4. Due to the fact that in different projects you have different friends is very helpful in developing your partner systems and facilitating the migration of your referrals.

5. Also we should not forget about one more important factor. Virtual friendship can also be embodied in real life. In this case, the virtual period of communication can become a kind of filter and this is also a big plus.

Therefore, we can draw the main conclusion of this lesson, which sounds like this: the more virtual friends you have, the better. The faster and more confidently you will advance in crypto social networks and the better your activity will be rewarded in them.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now
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Buttons. To add picture

Some users are excessively addicted to the publication of pictures and photos on social networks, others on the contrary - never publish them. This is a common thing and you should not be surprised, all people are different. But when it comes to the promotion tool, then the Add Photo button - you need to use it correctly.

As you may have guessed, today in our open University of crypto social networks a lesson from the Button course, and the topic is called - Add a picture. Just keep in mind, we will now talk not about the main photo of your profile, but about others.

Unfortunately, we do not always pay due attention to all the buttons of the profile in social networks, so the desired result is more difficult for us to achieve. In order not to talk about this topic for a long time, I will simply list some points that I pay attention to and tell you exactly how I do it.

1. Social networks are almost always focused on adding content, including images. In my work I use two types of photographs and pictures - my own and borrowed from free catalogs (like pixabay and others). In turn, both can be entertaining or promoting.

2. Entertaining pictures and videos I use to create a positive atmosphere in my timeline (chronicle) and attract the attention of users. Promoting pictures, such as in this article, for example, are needed to advertise my website Levelnaut or for other purposes.

3. In order to make promotional photos and pictures you can apply to the usual Paint program and the Text, Crop and Resize functions. Such a picture could be done in a few minutes.

4. If you take an image from free resources, then show at least a minimum of creativity and take, for example, not the entire image, but only a part of it. And of course, enter the address of the site or blog.

5. Create a special folder on your computer, name it like PROMO and save all the illustrations you made there. They will be very useful to you when you create your own groups and communities. You can even create another special folder for this. In the same place, save other tools for creating groups - description texts, rules, greetings, etc. All this will greatly facilitate and automates the process of creating a group, for example, on the topic of crypto social networks.

Naturally, do not forget about the button To create an album, but we'll talk about it some other time.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now
Crypto Networks. Financial report

Today we will talk about making financial report on the work at crypto social networks monthly. This lesson is perhaps one of the most important in our open University of crypto social networks. Let's be frank, money is the most important engine and motivating factor in this kind of activity. There are, of course, others, but this is the main one. Therefore, this issue should be approached with all care and seriousness.

The most important tool that shows a real picture of all your efforts, achievements and progress is the monthly financial report. You can, of course, do it more often or less often, but I still recommend to follow monthly version.

The base form for the report is very simple to make. You can use the full list of crypto social networks https://levelnaut.com/2017/12/19/cryptocurrency-social-networks-list/ as a basis and write the total earned amount against each of the projects, and then its equivalent in dollars or bitcoins, for a complete vision of the whole picture.

I want to remind you that the financial report primarily applies to those network users, crypto bloggers and crypto enthusiasts, who are striving to make long-term investments. If you do not plan to create a passive income and you are not interested in diversification of investments in cryptocurrency, then you do not need to make such a report. You can just orientate yourself to the Top Best Crypto Networks, which is published on the Levelnaut website every month, and earn crypto currency in these projects, and make withdrawals monthly for example.

By the way, now I would like to appeal to all representatives of crypto social networks and to users, who are related to their administration. A very big request, friends, specify at least for time of the transition period from Fiat to Crypto-currency, the dollar balance of the estimated tokens and coins of your crypto network. Or specify it in bitocoins. I believe that the equivalent in bitcoins is generally a mandatory thing, because it is extremely difficult for users to understand how each token is quoted today, especially if it is not yet added to the list of crypto exchanges or to CoinCapMarket.

I do not think that the procedure for recording a monthly amount will take a long time, but it will be the source material for your personal financial analysis.

After you see the whole picture, you can understand more precisely what you need to focus your efforts on. Then you will immediately see many obvious points. You, for example, will understand that it is much more profitable to earn money on the Earn network than on airdrops, and once you wait or achieve verification, then you can be stable and guaranteed to receive money from each airdrop and not think about whether they will pay you or not.

You will see where there are new boosters. For example, when I was making the last report, I found new boosters (options for upgrading the account) in the social network CryptoSocial. I saw how many zeroes I had, and I noticed which projects they grow the fastest in. But this is, in fact, the matter of analysis.

As for the financial report, you can do it in any suitable program - in Excel, or in any other. I make my monthly financial report in the usual Notepad, copying the list of networks and indicating only the date on the file and changing the calendar data. It's fast and convenient. If you do in Excel, you can include additional sections, for example, Booster, Referrals, Curatorship and others.

I hope that you will draw the right conclusions from today's lesson and I will be happy with your comments.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now
Kuende at my PR laboratory

Every third day is a day of reviews, so today I'm glad to say a few words about the crypto social network Kuende, which is a full-fledged project that meets all the requirements. What do I mean?

Let's check the presence of the main features of the cryptonetwork. There is an excellent system of rewarding users for activity in Kuende. A variety of activities is here and even site visits are rewarded. By the way, about the site. Recently, we rarely added to the main list of crypto social networks exactly blockchain projects. But Kuende is just a blockchain platform and it's very encouraging.

Any activity of Kuende users is rewarded with special tokens, which are called Kpoints.

I will not now list all the activities that are rewarded in this project. I will only say that even for the creation of your playlist or the approval of other people's pictures, you also get points. That is, we are talking about the curatorial system now.

But this is not the last attractive moment of the site. Here you can also get badges, which are opened after you perform certain actions.

Believe me, if you invite your friends here, they will have something to do here, and it will be fun and interesting. By the way, for invitations you get additional Kpoints, so keep this in mind.

I also take the opportunity to invite you to register in Kuende at this link https://kuende.com/r/invitation/borishaifa_k2u4e4n4d8e6 and I recommend that you take a look at the fact-finding tour of the site. It will be useful for you to be included in the active activity more quickly.

I hope that very soon this project will fall into the monthly top of the crypto social networks, which is published at the end of every month on Levelnaut. The most basic you now already know and I do not want to deprive you of the pleasure of personal acquaintance with Kuende.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now