Buttons. To Share

The Share button sometimes works better than the whole army. In fact - this is a very powerful weapon, a very effective tool for work. This is your PR machine and if you properly set it up, then you do not need anything else.

As you have guessed, today we have another lesson at the open University of crypto social networks. And the course, which we continue to study, is called "Buttons".

I very actively use the Share button and in my directory of useful information about crypto networks https://levelnaut.com/2018/04/20/catalog-of-useful-articles/ is something that periodically spreads in this way.

Now I will give some advice as background information. If you think about them well, then this lesson will be very useful for you.

1. The Share button is a very important tool. Remember it constantly. As soon as you go into any crypto social network, immediately keep in mind it, otherwise all the information that is useful and interesting to you, will not work in your favor.

2. Sometimes this button may have a different appearance, for example, it can be called Repost or any other way, but its essence remains the same. Thanks to this tool, you have the opportunity to form your target audience.

3. Target audience - are the readers and users to whom your information is most interesting. This is your own army. But the army you must constantly feed. Try to use for that the most "healthy products". Then your own menu will be varied and healthy.

4. In my catalog there is a link to my groups, you can easily find it. In my groups, you can share any information on the topic of crypto currency and any other. I have no limits. Restrictions should only be in your brain. But far from everyone likes, when on their sites, in their groups, and in their social networks users share what is unpleasant to the owners. Therefore, I recommended earlier - to create your own groups. There, your Share button will work best.

5. If you use the Add to Friends button correctly, then you will not have problems with what is described in the previous paragraph. But about the button Add to friends, we'll talk some other time.

6. Try to be diverse, do not share only professional or specific information. We are not yet fully cyborgs, so readers are interested in seeing the person (that is you) behind your Share button.

7. Remember the very important rule - do not be afraid to share other people's information. The more actively you promote others, the more actively they will promote you. If this function is paid, for example, in the crypto social network Yours or in some others, then just treat the selection of information more carefully.

8. Try to follow the internal storage algorithm. That is, try to keep in mind the hint of what information and where you usually share. Then you can easily find this information for yourself. After all, almost all crypto social networks have a Search function.

9. To work with the Share button, you can use those time reserves that are not normally used. Including short minutes of waiting for something, breaks, etc. In this case, you will combine pleasant with useful.

10. Remember mobile crypto social networks and versions. Today, with the Share button, you can work anywhere wherever you are. Do not forget about it, it's money, too.

I hope that my advice will be useful to you and you will draw your conclusions. As always, I will be happy with your comments and feedback.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now
50 best crypto social networks

In one of my past posts I mentioned the list of 50 crypto social networks, so today I want to make some clarifications.

Those of you, dear readers, who are interested in crypto social networks already know the list that I'm talking about right now. Yes, this is the full list that is on the page https://levelnaut.com/2017/12/19/cryptocurrency-social-networks-list/ of the Levelnaut website.

I want to remind you that I am doing this list not only to bring together all the various projects that are currently on this profile market, but also so that we all have a good opportunity for the long-termization of our crypto-currency investments and savings.

But to date, this list is still very far from perfect. There are enough projects in it that do not even have the minimum necessary elements, which include: user reward for activity, communication between users, own crypto currency, curator system and booster system.

Of course, this list is constantly moderated, new sites are added to it and those that are insufficiently effective are completely removed. Also I delete projects, that completely do not correspond to the concept of a crypto currency network, and their developers do not plan changes in this plan.

But in the end, such a list will be done anyway. And even today it is quite unlike the one that was at the very beginning.

I invite you to participate more actively in its improvement. Therefore, I will be glad to hear your comments.

Moreover, if these comments contain links to interesting and sufficiently complete reviews from your sites or blogs, I promise that they will be preserved and readers will be able to read your opinion in the comments and go to your sites and blogs after reading the main list. This is a good offer and I recommend that you take advantage of it.

Together we can make a list of 50 crypto social networks a truly effective tool of work and guarantee the safety of our crypto currency means in the future.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now
Adorin at my PR laboratory

As I have already said, in my list of crypto social networks is simply a huge queue to add. Now I'm not talking even about the list of potential networks, and moreover, I do not mean the projects that are currently undergoing the ICO stage.

That is why, with such confidence I declare that every third day I will review the new project. This does not mean that they will all will be finally added to the main list of crypto social networks of the Levelnaut website, but at least you that you will know about them.

I have also mentioned not one time that my goal is to leave only the top 50 best and most profitable projects in the main list, so I will add to it for the testing period, anything that I find interesting or those projects, that you will recommend to me in the comments.

Today I want to add the site Adorin to the main list, despite the fact that it does not have the main elements, the main criteria for selection in the main list.

In this crypto social network, there is not yet a system for rewarding users for their activity and there is no its own coin. But as we already know very well, these elements are added very quickly. Otherwise, the project simply becomes uninteresting for users and, as a rule, ceases to exist.

Also, there is not yet a system of curation and there are no boosters, but Adorin was built on the same platform as the already popular CryptoSocial project and the social network Ambbox, which I talked about in the previous review.

Thus, the chances for Adorin are very good and everything will depend on how his team will act.

As for the functional, as I said, it is the same as in the mentioned crypto social networks and it makes no sense to describe it again. One can only say that there is absolutely everything in it and it is necessary only gradually to add the basic functions and systems - the reward of users for activity, the system of supervision, the system of boosterization, and it is desirable to create your own coin. And then everything will depend on the creativity of the creators and developers.

Therefore, in today's review, I recommend joining the crypto-social network Adorin under the link https://www.adorin.cc/?ref=borishaifa and registrate there. Once again, the chances of the project are very good and the sooner you pay your attention to it, the better.

By the way, I'm very glad that the audience of our project about crypto social networks Levelnaut is expanding very quickly and more and more of your comments appear. This is a very good sign, indicating the prospects for this direction.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now
HUNCHO JACK, Travis Scott, Quavo - Black & Chinese
April. Money. Crypto Networks

Yesterday I promised that I will make today a brief financial report on the results of the month. No problem, now we will quickly go through the list of crypto social networks and see what changes in incomes occurred in the last month.

In order not to miss anything, consider two lists. The first, as usually, is a complete list of crypto-currency networks https://levelnaut.com/2017/12/19/cryptocurrency-social-networks-list/ which you already know well. And the second list is your own list of cryptocurrency, which you earned in all these projects. Also we need my yesterday list - Top of April, 2018.

The first thing you can notice even without any analysis, is the increase in your income in the Steemit project. This is understandable, because a month ago the STEEM coin was worth 1.55$, and today its value is 4.14$. But not only for this reason Steemit topped my yesterday's list of cryptonetworks for April 2018. For a second reason, I'll say a little bit lower.

In second place in the same list is EMPOWR, despite the fact that today its max bid price is only 0.48$. I have no doubt that the value of this coin will grow, not only because EMPOWR becomes the same classical crypto social network as Steemit. I'm absolutely sure that the coins of all crypto social networks will grow in value.

And those in which the basic classical elements already exist today (user reward for activity, communication between users, own cryptocurrency, curatorial system and booster system) will be guaranteed to provide a stable income in the future.

Despite the fact that the Earn project is on the third place in my list, the MINDS project and revenues in this network are more classic today. Especially in view of the fact that coins are already available for withdrawal. MINDS more confidently goes towards the classical project than Earn (which pays stably, but in satoshi and does not have all the other signs of the classical cryptosocial network).

Very well went up earnings in Yours, but there is also no own coin and users receive a reward in BCH. Let me remind you that Yours does not currently have a booster system.

And now let's sum up the results and make a brief conclusion from the financial report of the month. It can sound like this - coins of cryptosocial networks in any case will grow in price in the future. But in those projects that adhere to the classical scheme - this will happen more stable and more reliable. And then everything will depend on the teams that stand behind these projects.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now