Crypto Networks. Analysis. Top

Today we have another lesson in the open University of crypto social networks. At the end of each month, I always do the market analysis, at least for the reason that I need to determine monthly for myself and for readers the top 10 best projects.

In this post I will try to combine both the analysis and the top. And I'll start with the list of the top 10 crypto social networks for April 2018.


As you can see, in comparison with the previous list, there were no special changes. The only new name on the list is the crypto social network Minds, and the only loss of the list is the Kocurrency project.

This is due, first of all, to the strengthening of the coin Minds and the addition of the possibility of the withdrawal of this coin. By the way, if Zonto does not have the opportunity to convert Zonto tokens into Zonto coin, then most likely this promising project will leave the top too.

Another news of this list is that for the first time I give it to your attention not in alphabetical order, but according to my personal rating. So far, I can not say that this is a list of the Levelnaut project, since it was not commented on by community members and site subscribers. But next time, that is, by the end of May, it will already be presented in this status. Therefore, I invite you to actively discuss the top of April.

In principle, this is just what can be called the analysis of the market. If you want to achieve success in this field of activity, then you just need to understand how to properly allocate your efforts.

That is, in simple terms, you need to see the full list of crypto social networks and compare it with the list of the best projects of the previous month.

This is a necessary minimum analysis of the profile market, which you should do every month. You can also analyze what changes have occurred in each of the full list projects. If there is time, it makes sense to see which projects can be transferred from the list of potential networks to the main one, etc.

Your time is your money. Proper diversification (the distribution of this money) is the minimum guarantee for the preservation of funds in the future. Market analysis is a necessary tool for proper diversification. As you can see, everything is very simple.

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Crypto Networks. Beta-versions

After the next review of a new project, we continue our study at our virtual University of Crypto social networks. And the theme of the lesson today is Crypto-net. Beta versions

First, what is the beta version of the crypto social network, if you explain it in simple words? In fact - this is a common crypto social network, the creators and developers of which are not completely confident in the stability of the website functionality. They would like to further test their project with potential users and volunteers.

Usually, everyone is invited to participate in the beta-version, but sometimes the organizers of the project invite only a definite circle of people, with the opinion of which they are considered.

If you look at the list of potential crypto social networks on the Levelnaut website then you will notice that many of the projects mentioned in it are in beta versions.

I always try to take part in new projects at this stage, especially when I am personally invited. And even now I'm participating in several new projects, which I will tell you about soon. Unfortunately, not always I have enough time for that, but I'm always interested.

Secondly, it can be more profitable. Most cryptonetworks have referral programs and by the time the website is fully launched, you will already be well well-acquainted with that and will be able to invite your friends more confidently.

In addition, beta-versions provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the fundamentally new elements. It's no secret that many new projects have rather powerful creative teams and plan to create several new opportunities.

If we summarize all of the above, I would recommend all those who want to achieve serious success in working with crypto social networks - to participate in beta-versions, when such an opportunity is provided.

As always, I will be happy with your questions and comments that you leave on the Levelnaut website. They very well motivate to continue to share secrets and interesting tools of work.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
Сointiply at my PR laboratory

Usually I do not add such projects to the full list of crypto social networks. But Cointiply seemed to me a promising service, so I made an exception.

I like projects where the creative team works. And there is no doubt that the creative team is at Сointiply. On the main page of the site there is a section News, Tips & Announcements, which helps to make sure of it.

Next to this section, there is the module Your Activity, through which you can observe all your actions. Despite the fact that this is only a Beta version, everything indicates the long-term and promising nature of the project.

And now, let's check the presence of traditional signs of a crypto social network.

System of rewards for activity. Сointiply pays for your claims at faucet and for performing simple tasks. With this, everything is clear, the same system exists in EarnCrypto. But unlike EarnCrypto there is some kind of a booster system here.

That is, in Сointiply it is possible to increase power with the help of Mining Game. By the way, there are other games. Fans of games here will surely like it.

Let's go further. Cryptocurrency of the project. In Сointiply there is no some special coin, although there are Coins in which your activity is measured. The rate of coins is tied to the dollar rate and the withdrawal starts with 35,000.

There are many other positive and interesting things in the project, but it is necessary to say a few words about the shortcomings.

First. There is a lot of advertising in the project. But you have to put up with this, as the creators and organizers earn money at the expense of it, and not at the expense of realizing their own cryptocurrency.

Second. Сointiply can not be called a full-fledged crypto social network, as there is no possibility of communication between users and even the possibility of adding friends.

But we know examples when such shortcomings are eliminated during the development of the project. Therefore, if you are interested in Сointiply, you can go to and register.

And then, together we will watch how this project has been developing.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now

Today we will continue studying in our virtual University of crypto social networks and the topic of the lesson will be called - Search.

I have no doubt that anyone who is reading these lines now knows perfectly well what Search is and can use it.

What then is the point to explain about this tool? If you really want to achieve success in this kind of activity, then for you there should not be trifles.

Therefore the Search, if used correctly, can also help in this matter.

I recommend spend at least one hour a week to work with the search. This hour is needed at least to understand what's new happened during this time in the market. It is possible that you have missed something.

In order for the situation to be constantly under control, it is necessary to make a search query "a new social network" and set a period "for the last week".

If you manage to quickly process even the first few pages of the issue, you can make several more queries with a similar meaning, replacing the words with "community, crypto, social", etc.

Anything that falls into your field of vision can be added either to your main list of crypto social networks, or to the list of potential projects, or simply added to the "Other" list if the information is useful. I do this approximately as indicated in the directory, so I have nothing to lose.

Once again I want to emphasize that this is the minimum amount of work with a search per week, if you want to control the situation and not to lose your profit.

I do such filters not only in Search, but also on specialized forums. But you can limit yourself to work, for example, with Google search (or some other) in the event that the time is extremely limited.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
Subscribe and Control

If you were inspired yesterday by my article about studying social networks at the University of Crypto Networks, then you can start studying the first subject. It can be called "Subscriptions".

This is the simplest, but one of the most important tools for the work of a cryptoblogger.

What should you do first? The order of preparatory actions is as follows.

1. Open your mailbox and create a tag there, called, for example, CryptoSocio or something else. This is where all letters and messages from administrations, and all newsletters from crypto social networks will come.

2. Check carefully the complete list of projects that are already active in the market today, as well as a list of potential crypto social networks. All these lists can be found in my catalog on the basis of which you will then make your own.

3. Subscribe to news, newsletters or updates, if this is available in all projects from these lists.

4. When messages on these subscriptions begin to arrive, you either read them immediately and make notes, or allocate time in a weekly chart for their reading. Also you can write your posts and articles, in which you will share information and opinions about these news. By the way, that is how you can earn crypto currency and not think too much about the next topic of the post.

5. If in any of the projects there is no news or administrative newsletters subscription, then check your Profile settings in each of these crypto social networks. Make sure that you agree to receive notifications from the administration on the e-mail, if such option is provided.

6. If none of the above in every of the projects is not presented - this is not a problem. We will find other ways to control the news and updates of absolutely in all crypto social networks.

7. Make sure that all subscriptions are up-to-date. Regularly update and supplement this stream of subscriptions. In this case, you can not only control the situation, but also one of the first to respond to profitable offers, promotions and functional changes. And this all, in turn, affects your income in crypto social networks.

By means of all the actions described above, you will not only be able to study successfully at the University of Crypto Social Networks, but will also become a source of information, that is, a specialist. And this is the most valuable thing. This is what people are ready to pay for today - for informing, for training and, of course, for the time saved.

In the next posts I will tell you about other subjects of training, which will also help you organize your educational process.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now