Crypto Networks University

Do you want to succeed in working with crypto social networks? Do you want to become a good specialist in this field of activity? Do you want to earn a lot? If you answered all these questions in the affirmative, then I have good news for you. I know exactly what you need to do. You need to learn.

If you agree to study, then you probably will have the next question - "Where to study?" The answer to it is both simple and complex at the same time.

The fact is that in this case it is completely useless and pointless to enter a real university. If you want to get my opinion as a teacher, then it will seem a little strange to you.

I am deeply convinced that today there is absolutely no reason to study at a traditional university. Today is a sorely useless waste of your time, money and your life. Especially stupid today to study in technological universities.

Technologies today are changing so quickly that by the time you graduate they will be changed a hundred times. In a real university will not change only those pre-historical programs, subjects and courses. And of course, will not change all those old farts that had been learned by prehistoric methods and teach them now themselves.

There are certainly, in this sense, certain exceptions. But exceptions only underline the rule. And the rule is that the education system does not have time for the development of society today - and this is a fact. And you understand it perfectly, if you are not lying to yourself, of course.

Where can you find this very University of Crypto Networks, which I had mentioned in the title of this article?

Create such a university for yourself. In fact, everything is not so difficult. If you want, I'll help you. But for this you need to subscribe to my updates, as this is not the topic of one article. And also start creating your own catalog (like mine for example) and this will be your diploma work.

As for the subjects of study, I will describe them in more detail in the following articles in my website Levelnaut.

I can rightly name a few items that will be there - "Subscriptions", "Work with Search", "Market analysis" and some others.

If you correctly organize your educational process and find time in your daily routine, you will soon get a positive result on all the questions put in the beginning of the article.

But do not forget yet another very important point - you need to learn all your life. And the matter here is not even in competition and in demand in the market, although this too. Look at the list of professions that will be required by society in 5-10 years and you will understand everything.

But in reality the cause of constant self-education lies in another. If you stop training today, then you do not just stop in your development. You will start walking backwards. And maybe even you will start running backwards. I really hope that you understand what I am talking about right now. If this is so, then I can only wish you success in study.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
Недорогая, но эффективная реклама на асфальте. Заказать рекламу на асфальте.
Преимущества размещения рекламы на асфальте:
• Высокая эффективность, так как она на настоящий момент все еще не сильно распространена, поэтому является своего рода новинкой для горожан
• Краткость, что позволяет окружающим в течение 2-3 секунд понять, о чем идет речь в объявлении
• Красота и эстетика при мастерском исполнении квалифицированными специалистами
• Законность, так как на местах общественного пользования допускается наносить рекламу на асфальте
Объявление на асфальте — это один из самых доступных и эффективных способов заявить о себе! Везде, где наблюдается скопление вашей целевой аудитории, реклама на асфальте — это эффективно. Главная задача любой рекламы - активное привлечение клиентов, поэтому сегодня она отличается значительным разнообразием. Отличным решением обратить на себя внимание будет разместить рекламный слоган или логотип компании на асфальте, которая гарантированно будет работать. Благодаря необычности и удачному месту расположения, такая реклама всегда замечается окружающими, поэтому отлично выполняет возложенную на нее задачу, активно позиционируя товар, услугу или конкретную фирму. Реклама на асфальте может служить прекрасным дополнением вывесок, объёмных букв или витрин перед входом в супермаркет, бутик, ресторан, кинотеатр или бизнес центр;

Наша компания reklama_art_promo_ua, предлагает широкий комплекс услуг, связанных с нанесением любых видов информационных и рекламных объявлений на асфальтобетонные покрытия. Мы работаем ответственно и профессионально, так как в команде трудятся только опытные дизайнеры и художники, которые отлично знают свою работу. Разумная цена на услуги позволяет заказать рекламу на асфальте каждому желающему, вне зависимости от сферы деятельности фирмы. Со своей стороны мы гарантируем использование только качественных и сертифицированных лакокрасочных материалов, благодаря чему красивое объявление, слоган или поздравление будет выглядеть отлично.

Современные краски имеют высокий уровень устойчивости к агрессивным воздействиям окружающей среды - атмосферным осадкам и стиранию вследствие длительного воздействия обувью и шинами автомобилей. По этой причине уверенно можно сказать о том, что реклама на асфальте является достаточно долговечной

Яркая дешевая реклама на асфальте, альтернатива дорогой наружной рекламе. Эффект тот же. Звоните, спешите увеличить Ваши заказы!! Разрабатываем привлекательный трафарет и выполняем работу со 100 % фото отчетом в кротчайшие сроки.

Реклама на асфальте появилась не так давно, однако уже успела набрать популярность у различных магазинов, салонов красоты и туристических агентствах и других предприятий.

Составляющие стоимости - это стоимость за изготовления трафарета, и стоимость за работу по покраске через него. Стоимость покраски суммарно включает в себя стоимость краски и стоимость работы.

Так же на стоимость влияет:
- Тираж. Количество рисунков.
- Цветность.
- Удаленность рисунков друг от друга.

Гарантия привлечения клиентов!
P.S. Реклама на асфальте работает даже в Кризис!

Листовки, флаеры, буклеты, плакаты, благодаря невероятно низкой стоимости производства являются одним из важнейших способов донесения рекламной информации до потребителя. Данный способ продвижения позволяет за небольшое время рассказать о Вашем товаре или услуге огромному количеству людей.

В среднем один промоутер за час, в оживлённом районе, способен раздать более тысячи листовок.

Данный метод продвижения идеально подходит для маленького бизнеса, когда бюджет не позволяет развернуть крупномасштабную рекламную копанию.

Минимальный заказ от 10 трафаретов. Постоянным клиентам а также при больших объёмах предоставляем скидки!
Ниже смотрите фото наших работ.
Обращайтесь будем рады Вам помочь! Ваш помощник в продвижении:
Coins of crypto networks

Yesterday another crypto currency appeared, which has very good prospects for development and promotion. I mean empowr coin, behind which there is a strong support for users of the social network Empowr.

I already predicted such a scenario for a long time. As you can see, gradually all serious and promising social networks will switch to crypto currency and begin to use the system of user remuneration. Recently it was the project Minds, yesterday Empowr, and so it will be with everyone else.

Quite confidently I can also predict that all social networks will have a system of supervision, and a booster system. And I can finish my predictions with just one more obvious idea: the social networks' crypto currencies will only be strengthened in future and they will be used by a growing number of users.

Therefore, I advise those who are just beginning to get acquainted with this topic, make their own list (until it is done by some project) and keep track of the money earned in crypto social networks.

It could be something like this list

actioncoin xxx ACTION
bitlanders xxx gBM
bitradio xxx BRO
bountyhunter xxx BHT
criptosocial xxx CSL
dock xxx DOCK
earn xxx BTC
earncrypto xxx DOGE
empowr xxx EMPOWR COINS
galactikka xxx DIAMONDS
golos xxx GOLOS
infinityloop xxx INCOIN
kaleostra xxx COINTS
kocurrency xxx KOCOINS
memeus xxx T
minds xxx K POINTS
refereum xxx RFR
scrypto xxx DP
selfllery xxx YOU
sola xxx SOL
steemit xxx STEEM
subha xxx DINAR
theviralexchange xxx BLITZ
viberate xxx VIB xxx VIU
wildspark xxx AMP
wowapp xxx WOWcoin
xenzuu xxx XP
yours xxx BCH
zonto xxx ZONTO

Or you can make your own list. In this list not all coins are presented and you can supplement it yourself. Use this information from the list I had created on the eve, I mean catalog which I will update periodically.

By the way, I will be glad if you complete this list, you can write about it in the comments. I will gladly accept all your recommendations on this topic.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
Crypto Networks Fever

You can call it anything - fever, boom or excitement. But very soon you will find out what it is in reality. I make mistakes in long-term predictions very seldom.

You, of course, have already read last news and articles about the crypto currency. Therefore, you could not miss the message that the bitcoin rate recently increased per day by $1000. I will not speculate on this topic. We all know that such growth occurred in past times.

I also will not relate this to the news, which is being actively reprinted from one publication to another - the recognition of investments in crypto currency in the Muslim world, investments in bitcoin Soros, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. This is all known and this is already a fait accompli.

Today I want to remind you of other news, which is a little lost on the background of these. Crypto social network Steemit shoots a real TV series for world cinema and television.

That's what Forbes wrote about this.

"... The first series about the "HardFork" crypto currency will be pictured in the US. The actions of the anti-dystopia film will unfold in the future, the main theme will be crypto-currencies, blockchain and augmented reality.

The series director is Doug Karr. This is the first serial in the history of cinema, where a broad audience will be presented the theme of blockchain and crypto-currency, in the production of which millions of dollars will be invested.

"HardFork" - the first of its kind project, supported by the new model. For the initial financing and promotion of our venture, the Steemit platform was the obvious choice, it was here that we collected the initial funds for launching the campaign in the amount of $ 30,000" - said Doug Carr.

In December, the initiative team of Dash users invested about $1 million in HardFork.

The trailer of the series was already shown at the Steemit conference in Lisbon in November 2017. There also began to raise funds for the shooting. It is interesting that the team collects money exclusively in crypto-currencies..."

I really want this news not to get lost among others. Therefore, I guarantee that it will be read in all other crypto social networks from my list and that's not all.

Now I'm happy to ask the next question, that the third day is spinning in my head.

It is interesting, but what will other crypto-social networks respond to this challenge? What will the creative teams of Minds, Zonto, Sola, Empowr, and many other projects say?

It is possible that ahead of us is a real fever of crypto social networks. At least, I would really like that. And what about you?

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
List of crypto networks. Optimization

Do not judge the article by its title. It's only at first glance it seems that speech in it will go about something abstruse. In fact, everything is simple. Now I will talk about how I will select 50 crypto social networks, with which I will work.

If we now look at the current list, it will look like this: and this is not the version that was at the very beginning. What has changed?

I have my own criteria for selecting projects on the list. First of all, these are the following criteria: convenience in work, profitability in reward and the presence of all the necessary elements of the functional.

And now we will look at each of these items in order.

Convenience in work. As you probably already know, I set a maximum bar for myself, that is, the maximum number of projects I will work with. There will not be more than 50 of them. I believe that if you work alone, more than 50 crypto social networks will be extremely difficult to keep under constant control. And this will have to be done in order not to miss its benefits.

Therefore, with all the websites included in this list, the work should be very simple and convenient, not straining complex actions, calculations or constant monitoring of the situation.

On the other hand, the number of 50 allows you to switch from one project to another and does not make this work tedious.

Profitability in reward. There are such crypto social networks in which today it is extremely difficult to receive a reward for activity. Such projects will gradually leave the list and will be replaced by others. This process is natural and understandable to everyone. If the project team does not improve the working conditions, does not add various interesting interesting and profitable ways to receive rewards, but only uses users, then people leave.

Presence of necessary elements of the functional. We gradually begin to get used to the fact that all crypto social networks should have the necessary elements and their own chips.

The necessary elements include: system of rewards, system of supervision, system for boosting and the possibility of communication between users. All the rest is the matter of creative, this is what attracts people to this project.

Therefore, if the necessary elements of the functional are not available, then this crypto social network will be replaced in my list by another one. For these purposes, I have a list of potential crypto social networks, which is also on the Levelnaut website.

As you already know, I specialize in working with crypto social networks, I have little interest in other methods of promotion in the crypto world. Therefore, I take this topic very seriously, I plan to invest in this direction and work with it for many years. Therefore, I need a very high-quality list of projects. I'm sure that you are interested in exactly this.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now