1. Непринуждённо и повседневно смотрится ремень, в дизайне которого много металла.

2. В одежде casual допустим ремень из плетеной кожи. В деловом стиле от такого ремня лучше отказаться.

3. Гибкие ремни, в которых есть кожаные вставки, не вписываются в классический образ.

4. Отдавайте предпочтение скромной и простой пряжке ремня, без логотипов. В качестве исключения допускаются ремни с необычной пряжкой, если вы хотите показать всем, что богаты, и можете позволить пояс от известного бренда.

5. Узкие ремешки оставьте молодежи, солидные мужчины предпочитают ремни шириной 4-5 см.

6. Практичные мужчины покупают ремень так, чтобы в запасе было как минимум 2 свободных отверстия.

7. Ремни вместе с подтяжками давным-давно не носят! Либо пояс, либо подтяжки.

8. Не покупайте очень дорогие ремни. Это не самый важный аксессуар, к тому же такой ремень потребует соответствующего наряда, чтобы не вносить диссонанс в образ.

9. Помните, что ремень подбирается не под костюм или брюки, а под обувь.

10. Ремень на 100% необходим, если вы носите брюки – это незыблемая истина классического современного образа.
What is the use of learning English?

“What is the use of learning English?” Probably some of you asked yourselves about the the reasons. How many answers have you got to the question? Let’s find them together. We should also name them at leat to help people with week motivation.

To begin with, we may check the list of reasons, that is publish in experienceenglish.com

1.English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of five people can speak or at least understand English!

2.English is the language of science, of aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or of finding work abroad.

3.English is the official language of 53 countries. That is a lot of people to meet and speak to.

4.English is spoken as a first language by around 400 million people around the world.

5.English is the language of the media industry. If you speak English, you won’t need to rely on translations and subtitles anymore to enjoy your favourite books, songs, films and TV shows.

6.English is also the language of the Internet. Many websites are written in English – you will be able to understand them and to take part in forums and discussions.

7.English is based on a simple alphabet and it is fairly quick and easy to learn compared to other languages.

8.English is not only useful — it gives you a lot of satisfaction. Making progress feels great. You will enjoy learning English, if you remember that every hour you spend gets you closer to perfection.

9.Since English is spoken in so many different countries there are thousands of schools around the world that offer programmes in English. If you speak English, there’re lots of opportunities for you to find an appropriate school and course to suit your academic needs.

10.Because it’s fun! By learning English, you will also learn about other cultures. Few experiences will make you grow as a person more than learning the values, habits and way of life in a culture that is different from yours.

Sure this list is not complete. No doubts, you have some more, your personal reasons. Let’s share them in comments to this article.

AND THE MOST IMPORTANT. English can help you to earn cryptocurrency. How? That is another question.

So if you are an English-speaker, that is OK, you know how to deal with. But you may pass these recommendations to your friends, who doesn't speak English well. You will help them a lot in this case.

More information at Levelnaut.com
To crypto networks admins

This post is primarily addressed to all those who are involved in the management of crypto social networks - to administrators, moderators, creators and promoters.

I know for sure that many representatives of projects, and these categories in particular, will read these lines.

The fact is that one of the main problems in this area I see today in the absence of information exchange. Unfortunately, on the Internet there is no such project or even a group, in which the direction of crypto social networks would be discussed.

I recently tried to discuss this topic on the bitcointalk forum, so they did not even understand why they needed a branch about social networks. Even the old-timers of this forum do not understand why this section is needed. And at best, from crypto social networks can be called Steemit, although there are more than fifty of them on the market.

It is for this reason that the creators of new social networks live in a vacuum, they do not have feedback from the users of the Network. At best, they take questions for discussion in their project or invite selected users to participate in the beta. I have taken and participated in beta testing of many projects, but there is already testing the existing functionality. And it is often far from what is claimed in the market.

Therefore, many of the creators of new projects do not take into account such important elements as the reward of user activity, the system of supervision, crypto-currency transactions, the ability to add to friends and communication between users, etc.

It seems to me that without these elements today the social network simply has no chance of success. Gradually, all projects begin to introduce these functions - we all know and see it. But why not consider all these points at once?

In addition, not everywhere you can subscribe to news and updates of crypto social networks. Is it really difficult to install such a button so that users can follow the updates?

I agree - 100 percent of projects make such buttons when they go to the ICO and try to sell their tokens. But how do we know if the project is alive or dead? All these roadmaps are worth nothing if the project does not begin the interaction of potential users.

At best, they ask the opinion of potential tokens buyers on the same bitcointalk forum. And investors and potential users are often different people. Is it really not clear?

I understand - it's important to sell tokens first. It is important to earn for your work. But try once to side with users, communicate with those who not only buy your coins and make investments in the project, but with those who will use it in the future. Then you will understand a lot. And then you will feel sorry for your efforts and lost time.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now
Memeus at my PR laboratory

I was not kidding when I told you that in crypto social networks you can have fun and get paid for it. This is actually now too. Therefore, be prepared to receive positive emotions and money, but at the same time try to be very attentive.

Today I will tell you about a project called Memeus. Here you can find a huge number of memes, on a variety of topics. Even if the event just happened, you can see its image in the memories of the crypto social network.

By the way, Memeus is, you might say, a classical crypto social network, with almost all the necessary attributes - the authors' reward, the system of supervision and even a coin.

The only downside is the lack of the ability to add users to friends. You can, of course, subscribe to the most interesting creators of memes and even write them in the comments any message, but add them to friends you can not yet.

As for the coin, it is here called T, and in the purse Waves, it has the name Mems and it is clear to everyone. Directly inside the purse, Mems tokens can be changed to Waves and brought to the exchange.

Thus, in the project Memeus you can earn in three ways:

- place memes and their own and others', but with others' mems you have to be more careful. If users get to know them, you will get a badge - bayan (old meme), which is equivalent to a minus, although you need pluses (likes);

- to manage other people's memes, that is, to put likes on topics that you liked and you can even earn tokens even more than creating your memes;

- invite new members to the network.

By the way, if you are still not registered in this network, then you can do it by the link - https://memeus.ru/signup/?ref=borishaifa - I invite you and I will gladly answer your questions about this and on other crypto social networks.

You can always write your comment or ask a question, I will be happy to answer it.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now
Buttons. System notifications

As I understand it, you liked the Button series, dear readers. As it turned out, many of you did not even realize that the buttons of your profile in crypto social networks can give you so many useful tools and information.

In this case, today we will continue to get acquainted with these buttons and I will tell you about such an interesting thing as the System Notifications button.

I'm not kidding, this button can actually give a lot. But first of all it is necessary to specify that such buttons there can be not one, but several. But one is for sure. Typically, it is in the Settings section and is called Notifications via e-mail.

It would seem that there can be anything behind this? The user agrees to receive system notifications on their mail or not. I am sure that most of you refused to receive these notifications. And they did it in vain.

I would in your place not only agreed to these notices, but even signed for sure on the news of this crypto social network.

The only thing you need to do extra is in your mailbox to create an additional folder, which can be called Networks News, for example.

And then all the news and messages from the administration that you will receive from each network will fall into this special folder.

What do you gain from this?

1. You will always be aware of the events. You will never be surprised by the changes in the projects that you work with.

2. Over time, you will have a news archive that will come in handy more than once. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. To me such archive was already useful many times, as in it there is a function of search on one word for example.

2. You always, every day will have a topic for a post in social networks. It will be enough for you to inform other users about these news, just add there your own comments and explanations. That is, you will easily get a topic for the next post, for which you will receive money.

Therefore, right now go through all your profiles in crypto social networks https://levelnaut.com/2017/12/19/cryptocurrency-social-networks-list/ and check if you have a system notification button from the administration via e-mail . Create a folder in the mailbox Networks News and you get a great tool for work.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now