Buttons. To Follow

We continue today to talk about simple things that you can find in your profile in crypto social networks. Last time we talked about your photo and it turned out that everything is not so simple even with this. In fact, everything matters.

The Subscribe button, or Add friends, is also very important for your progress towards Crypto social networks.

At first glance it is a very simple button and by clicking on it you can simply add a number of familiar and unfamiliar people. But the whole point is that by doing this simple operation, you are forming your personal... news feed or chronicle.

But this is very important. Correctly selected news feed can very significantly save you time to read news and get the necessary special information.

Let's say you are interested in the topic of crypto currency. Then first of all you need to add to contacts and friends those users who have a common interest. In many crypto social networks there is a special search module, which is called common Interests. It is usually located in the People or Users section. But if it is not there, then there is a general search in any case, in any project.

Then it makes sense to enter into the search, for example, the words Crypto currency and add all who are related to this topic - authors posts and articles, administrators and users of specialized groups, etc.

Thanks to this simple action, in the end, you will receive a news line, in which the information that interests you will be constantly updated. This will save you time to stay on news websites and you do not have to watch the same boring video from YouTube for the thousandth time.

In addition, this collection of information can help you advance in your profession. You will have a chance to go exactly to those people who are interesting to you and who also follow the important information for you.

Also this will increase your chances of getting positive ratings, likes, etc. That is, the system of supervision (curation) will bring you real financial benefits.

Therefore, I recommend that you review all your contacts in crypto social networks. I will remind you of their list https://levelnaut.com/2017/12/19/cryptocurrency-social-networks-list/ - it is constantly updated.

You should not delete existing contacts, but add those that suit you. And in the future to do so.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now
Your own blog about crypto networks

If you have decided to deal with crypto social networks and earn a lot in them, then you need to have your own specialized blog. In order not to repeat in the future, I will now answer the questions that you may have after reading the first sentence of the article.

I.Why do I need my own blog and crypto social networks?

There may be a lot of answers to this question, I will only mention the most obvious ones.

1. In order not to develop other people's resources, but to develop one's own.
2. In order for it to be possible without any problems to share your referral links.
3. In order for you to have a team of like-minded people who will follow you and help you develop new projects.
4. In order to earn with this blog, etc.

II.How to call this blog?

In this matter, there is no need to hurry. The main thing is that absolutely any user of the Internet can find your blog without any effort.

Do an experiment, do not regret it. Enter in the search word levelnaut and virtually any search engine will be the very first issue of my blog on crypto social networks. So, as you can see, I do not even need a link to my site - it can be found always and everywhere, without even entering its address.

Therefore, when you select a name for your blog, first make sure that the search gives a zero or a minimum output for this query. Better zero , of course, than you definitely will not have to bypass anyone.

III. Where to open your blog on crypto-exchange networks?

Answers to this question can be a huge amount, but we need to approach the matter very practical. For example, I did this way. It was at the time of the creation of the site that I did not have online the necessary amount in dollars to pay for the site name and hosting, and I did not want to wait until the money was transferred.

Therefore, and you can start acting right away. Choose the right name and open a blog on the Wordpress platform (find it in the search and register). Then, when you have the first $50 (or you earn them in crypto social networks), then you will pay for a year the domain name and hosting on this platform and then the wordpress word from its address will disappear.

IY. What to write about in a blog?

I've told you many times about this, you can read it on my website. It maybe your own experience, your vision, your reviews etc. But it is better to do publications in two languages, if your native language is not English. Translation can be done with the help of Google Translator, this program is already doing an excellent job of such a task.

V. How to earn with the help of the site?

There are a lot of options for this and you will learn about them in due course. But the most pleasant thing is that you can start posting your banners even on a free version of the blog on the Wordpress platform. Which banners to place? Look at the banners that I have and you will understand everything. You can use my banners to avoid making your own. Download them to your computer and when you post in the admin panel simply specify the links from your site.

In short, it's all for now. Surely you will have questions. You can ask them in the comments to this article, I will be happy to answer them.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now
Post Malone - Congratulations ft. Quavo
Crypto Networks and your pension

The title of this article sounds a bit strange, does not it? But this is only for the reason that you have not yet considered earnings in crypto social networks from this point of view. I propose to do it now. I am sure that many of my thoughts will be very much appreciated.

To begin with, there will be no pension in the future. And you should be prepared for the fact that one day all the deductions that you make in various pension funds will simply be lost. Therefore, right now, before it's too late, you need to pick up everything you've accumulated there and at least just transfer it to the bank.

Banks in the form in which they exist now, of course, will also be lost, too, very soon. But many of them are beginning to work actively with the blockchain and cryptocurrency. Most likely, all large banks will eventually pass to the cryptocurrency. At least in all such banks already now there are specialized departments that study and analyze this issue.

You can agree or disagree with this. It is your right. Those who agree can continue reading.

Time, events and especially technology are changing today so quickly that very often only a written scientific article by the time of publication already becomes irrelevant. Therefore, there is no sense in talking about any guarantee in the future.

If you are hoping that the state will come to your rescue and take your funds from the disappeared pension funds, then this is a vain hope. In the near future, the concept of the state will disappear too. Nobody will want to feed all those parasites, freeloaders, loafers and... intermediaries. Illiterate and greedy intermediaries between technologies and you.

At best, some time in the world will regulate the distribution of funds in society to large corporations.

If it seems to you that this is a too gloomy picture, then on the contrary, it is too optimistic.

That is why, the crypto currency can at least somehow guarantee that your savings will continue in the future. This is very well understood today in Japan, where they strongly encourage this direction. By the way, pay attention - longevity in Japan is one of the highest in the world. You may think that these two concepts are not related. But this is not so, in Japan they REALLY think about older people and respect them.

And now, since we have started talking about crypto-currencies, you yourself understand that there is no need to speak about any stability in this area. This market is very unstable, crypto-currencies are for the most part extremely volatile, etc. But one way or another - they are the future.

Now let's answer the next question. What kind of activity in the world of crypto currency is the most promising for middle and older age? Of course - it's crypto social networks. The older generation is spending a lot of time in traditional networks today. This is understandable, because this field of activity is very simple, clear and accessible to everyone.

Those who today create crypto social networks - first of all think of them as a business of the future, about a reliable investment of their means. Therefore, those who sit on this side of the screen can safely rely on the safety of savings and their diversification.

Already today there are more than a hundred projects of this type. Here is just a small list of https://levelnaut.com/2017/12/19/cryptocurrency-social-networks-list/ which is increasing almost every day.

But all that is written above is only my private observations and reflections. You can ignore them, or you can take note. Both the first and second is your choice.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now
Buttons. Your Image

Today I want to continue to review the buttons that can be in your profile, in any of the social networks. By the way, I suggest to divide all the profile buttons into usual and unusual ones. The usual ones are the standard buttons that are in each project, and the unusual ones are those that are only in this social network.

The Image button is the standard button. Typically, it is either in the General section of the Profile, or in the Settings section. Very few projects exist, in which this button is not available. But even if it is not (or it is absent temporarily), then it is always possible to set your avatar or picture, which the network itself proposes to choose.

For example, in the Bitlanders project there is no Image button, but there you can create your own avatar, and from various parts that are elements of the appearance of a person. This option can be considered a proprietary chip project.

And now I will answer a few questions about your social network image, which you often ask yourselves creating a profile.

Do you need a profile picture?

Of course you do. If you are going to move on in this project, then be sure to upload your image in the profile. As a rule, profiles without images are ignored by other members of the social network. And your task is to have as many friends as possible, since in this case the reaction to your publications is much better. Your progress is faster, and earnings are higher.

Can I replace my photo with someone else's?

I would not recommend doing this. I try not to add such profiles to contacts. It's not even that in this case I understand that a person is an idiot. And in that, most likely, that behind this image there is a clone. And the clones will not help me raise my level of influence and thereby increase my earnings.

Which of your photos is best placed?

I would answer this question - in the best way possible. That is, try to select a photo where you look most attractive. It is desirable that this photo was taken during the last several years. If you exhibit your children's photos, then I will not add you to contacts. I have absolutely no suspicions of pedophilia.

Can I put the same picture everywhere?

I think that not only can, but also need to do so. Firstly, we work in many projects (otherwise there is no sense and there is no earnings) and to select each time a new photo during registration is unprofitable in terms of time costs. On the other hand, your image should be recognized, for PR (PR is necessary in working with social networks) - this is not the last thing. It makes sense to change your image once every 5 or even 10 years.

Is the quality of the photo published in the profile important?

This is a rhetorical question. Everyone understands that the image must be clear enough to be seen. Therefore, even if it is possible to publish not only an image of a face, but also some interior, then the image quality should be excellent.

Which photo can be considered the best?

First of all, you should like this picture yourself. You should promote your account with pleasure. And if there is something wrong in it, then it will be difficult for you to do it. Therefore, if you do not have such an image, then you need to do it. Your image is the first thing that a potential partner in the social network pays attention to. Therefore, on the main profile photo try to appear in the most favorable light.

Once again, check whether all crypto social networks have a picture in your profile. Just in case, let me remind you once again the list of these networks https://levelnaut.com/2017/12/19/cryptocurrency-social-networks-list/ but remember that from time to time it changes.

If you take into account all the above recommendations, then your progress will go faster, the power of your influence will grow, and earnings will increase.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site levelnaut.com right now