Crypto Social Racing

My readers often ask me a question about why I do not care about the course of bitcoins and other crypto currency. I have several answers to this case.

First, I believe in crypto and I know for sure that this is the future, not the past. This is my main difference from those assholes who believe that the future is their bank candy wrappers. Secondly, I care about the course of crypto currency, but not so much that I'm worried about it today. Thirdly, I have enough secrets that I sometimes share with you.

Today I will share one of these secrets. This will be my gift for those who carefully read my previous article and subscribed to my blog.

So, today I'll tell you about how to play one of the most exciting games, which is called Crypto Social Racing. Are you ready? Then let's start!

Before that, I'll show you what the launch pad looks like. Participants of the race can be selected from the list on this page of my website and the starting list can look like this, for example: xxxxx Action xxxxx gBM xxxxx BRO xxxxx BHT xxxxx BTC
сriptosocial xxxxx CSL xxxxx BTC xxxxx DOGE xxxxx EMPOWR COINS xxxxx FDZ xxxxx DIAMONDS xxxxx GOLOS xxxxx Incoins xxxxx coints xxxxx KOCOINS xxxxx T xxxxx TOKENS xxxxx RFR xxxxx COINS xxxxx DP xxxxx YOU xxxxx SOL xxxxx STEEM xxxxx DINAR xxxxx BLITZ xxxxx VIB xxxxx VIU xxxxx AMP xxxxx WOWcoin xxxxx XP xxxxx k xxxxx BCH xxxxx ZONTO

Have you recognized the names on this list? I congratulate you! Yes, that's the way things are: your riders are your crypto-social networks, which have to make daily races and win an intermediate finish, bringing you prizes. I guarantee that this game will never bother you, and even if you get bored, you can always take a break in it.

It is not necessary to sum up the results of the competitions every day, it is enough to do this once a week to see the full map of the race.

The main thing is not to spend immediately the funds won. You can adjust their distribution once a quarter, once every six months, or once a year.

You will see for yourself which models your help is needed, which ones need to be strengthened with the help of boosting, which ones to add to the list of participants, and which ones to remove from the race altogether.

In this game there are more nuances, but each of you can specify them for yourself. For example, I participate in these competitions not alone, but together with my team, which includes all my referrals. I tell them everything that happens on the road, so they are also working successfully and receive prizes.

I think that you guessed what was being said. Well, for those who have not guessed, there is always a place for comments in my articles, where you can ask any question. You do remember that the most stupid question is this one that you did not ask, right? So, good luck in the race!

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
Time-management and crypto networks

I do not know when robots and artificial intelligence will throw you out with your dull work. But I absolutely know for sure that this will happen. And for some of the readers this time will come very soon.

On the other hand, I consider working with crypto social networks more promising and more focused on the future. Yesterday they were called traditional networks, today they are called crypto social networks, and tomorrow there will probably be some neural networks. But they will necessarily be, because communication for a person is of the greatest importance.

Many of you understand this and even gradually make up your life plans taking into account the work in social networks. And at this very moment they have one very important question - where to find time?

I understand these people very well. Life has now accelerated so much that many of us have forgotten the last time we just spent time with our friends. I will not now turn to philosophy and argue that communication with friends may well be virtual.

I'll just answer the question about time management and talk about how I solve this problem. And, I do it absolutely calmly and confidently. Even though the list of crypto social networks is growing very quickly and you do not want to miss anything. By the way, today my list looks like this: but every week I do updates there.

First of all, in my work with crypto networks I'm guided by the fact that they have three basic types of activity. At least for myself, I defined this way and singled out - content production, training and entertainment. Why not communication in such a case? Because communication is something that is constantly happening in social networks.

In my next articles, I will elaborate on each of the activities. I'll tell you about how to allocate time between the three directions mentioned above. Moreover, I will tell you in which projects you can earn more in each of them. Yes exactly. Perhaps you still do not know about it, but in crypto social networks you can get money for ... entertainment. Pay attention - not to pay, but to receive.

On the other hand, content production and training are also not so terrible eaters of time, if everything is done right.

Therefore, summing up, I want to make the most important conclusion about time management and crypto networks. To begin with, you just need to decide whether you are interested in this line of business or not. Do you want to receive payment for this, and not for your current job or not. These are the main questions and it makes no sense to allocate such a precious resource as your time otherwise.

And only after you receive an affirmative answer from yourself, you can get down to business. And then everything will depend on how much time you can allocate. But I'll say right away that absolutely anyone is suitable. You can start from one hour a day. Gradually, your incomes will grow, and the time allocated for activity in networks will increase. All this will happen as you gain experience in the production of content, training and entertainment.

But as I said, we'll discuss all of this in the next articles - and now just answer the questions and select at least one hour of time in your schedule.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
List of crypto networks is alive

Today I have caught myself on a strange thought. It seemed to me that the list of crypto social networks... is alive. Or almost alive. At least, it behaves exactly as alive - every day is updated, every day it argues with me or with itself.

I almost physically feel what changes are happening in this market. What exactly happens to the list of crypto social networks?

Firstly, it is constantly being supplemented. Almost every day new projects appear in it. If before there were a dozen sites in it, then now it is almost half a hundred. There is now even a new list of potential crypto social networks, in which there are few dozens of websites too. If earlier I followed the updates of the market every month, now I have to do it every week.

Secondly, it is shrinking. This is also for a variety of reasons. Some projects do not overcome the ICO benchmark, others turn out to be fraudulent schemes, while others simply stop their work for some other reason. It is not always clear whether the project is working, or it is gradually dying.

Thirdly, the list is being specified. If you carefully look at all the projects from this list, you will see that not all of them fully meet the criteria of a crypto social network. Not all of them have those components, of which I have repeatedly written.

Some of them have a forum instead of a social network, some have a conditional internal token instead of a crypto currency, some of them are on blockchain platform, and some are on the usual one. But all this is changing almost every day.

What does all this say? It only says that we are on the right track. More precisely, that we are in its very beginning. Because we have the opportunity to take a good position.

In this situation, it is very important not to miss anything. That's why I'm so grateful for your comments on the Levelnaut website. They help make this list alive and up-to-date.

I very much look forward to our further mutually beneficial cooperation, dear readers. And also I'm waiting for your new comments, clarifications and tips.

More useful information on the topic of crypto currency, you can find on the site right now
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Предмет, без которого не обойтись!

Современные мужчины подчас обожают удобство и отдают должное тому, как выглядят. Мужская сумка во многом поможет в решении вопроса растянутых и оттопыренных карманов, обвисших поп и даже случайной потери вещей, при этом позволит оставаться привлекательным в своей любимой одежде.

Типы дизайна мужских кожаных сумок:

Мессенджер - мужская кожаная сумка для активного перемещения с нужными аналитическими инструментами и документами под рукой. Такая сумка отличается своей объемностью и вместительностью, она освобождает руки владельца, имеет возможность, носить ее через плечо на ремне. Выбирая такую сумку, стоит обращать внимание на ширину ремня (чем ремень шире, тем давление на плечо меньше) и качество материала из которого он изготовлен (важно чтобы при трении даже при значительной нагрузке ремень не окрашивал одежду).

Сумка-планшет. Вид мужской сумки, который пошел от офицерских планшетов, имеет более компактный размер. Сумка идеально подходит большинству мужчин, которые не носят с собой много габаритных вещей и документов формата А4. Сумка-планшет прекрасно сочетается с одеждой стиля casual, и в то же время уместна в деловом стиле.

Деловые кожаные мужские сумки через плечо – портфель или брифкейс. Мужчинам, верным деловому стилю, стоит выбрать себе такой портфель и внести в свой строгий имидж элегантность и индивидуальность. Сумка актуальна и в стиле casual и в деловом стиле. Такую сумку удобно брать с собой в непродолжительные командировки она вместит все нужные рабочие документы, аналитические инструменты (ноутбук, планшет, электронную книгу), а также другие необходимые в поездке вещи - ключи, ежедневник, аптечку, складной нож другое необходимое.

Желание иметь презентабельный внешний вид в сочетании с комфортными самоощущениями – естественное желание любого. Важно понимать, что внешний образ включает в себя не только стильную одежду, но и полезные стильные аксессуары. Качественная надежная мужская кожаная сумка – важнейшая часть имиджа для активного современного мужчины.